This beautiful gift book presents 100 poems, organised by theme to encourage the discovery of new favourites. Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail to capture the imaginations of young children. Poems include classics from Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Christina Rossetti, Louisa M Alcott and Edward Lear. ... |
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Литературният дебют на Куентин Тарантино е удоволствие за читателите, пиршество за киноманите и подарък за феновете на режисьора! Историята на Холивуд през 60-те години може да бъде разказана най-добре от Куентин Тарантино и той го доказва в своя първи роман "Имало едно време в Холивуд". В него американският режисьор, а вече и писател, обогатява и разширява в неочаквани посоки сюжета на добре познатия си едноименен филм. Рик Долтън - залязваща кино звезда, потънала в алкохол - получава обаждане от Рим, което ще спаси кариерата му... или окончателно ще я погребе. Неговият дубльор Клиф Бут пък е човекът с най- ... |
Преразказани от Владимир Хулпач. ... Имало едно време... С тези три вълшебни думи приказките повеждат читателите по пътища, по които вървят принцове, принцеси и дракони, минават през омагьосани гори, стигат неизбродни пущинаци и къщички на кокоши крака... Искате ли да се срещнете с индианска принцеса, да се издигнете високо в небето на летящо килимче, да надхитрите най-хитрия злодей, да откриете непознати светове? Тогава тази чудесна книга с вълшебни приказки, събрани от всички краища на света и илюстрирани от световноизвестния художник Войтех Кубаща, е точно за вас! ... |
An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame from bestselling Folk of the Air author Holly Black, with stunning full-colour illustrations by Rovina Cai. Once upon a time, there was a boy with a wicked tongue... Before he was a cruel prince or a wicked king, he was a faerie child with a heart of stone. The No. 1 Bestselling author Holly Black takes a deeper look into the dramatic life of Elfhame's enigmatic High King, Cardan, told only from his perspective. This new instalment in th "Folk of the Air" series is a return to the heart-racing romance, danger, humour and drama that haveenchanted ... |
Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who's the deadliest of them all? Once upon a time, a girl named Sophie rode into the forest with the queen's huntsman. Her lips were the colour of ripe cherries, her skin as soft as new-fallen snow, her hair as dark as midnight. When they stopped to rest, the huntsman pulled out his knife... and took Sophie's heart. It shouldn't have come as a surprise. Sophie had heard the rumors. They said she was too kind and foolish to rule - a disaster of a future queen. And Sophie believed them. She believed everything she'd heard about herself, the poisonous words people use to ... |
Decorations by E. H. Shepard. ... "Once upon a time, a very long time ago now, about last Friday, Winnie-the-Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders." Meet the world's favourite bear in this delightful collection in which Pooh gets into a tight place, nearly catches a Woozle, and discovers the wrong sort off honey - amongst other things. ... |
Can a killer ever go free? When sixteen-year-old Drew Gamble shoots dead the cop who was abusing his family, he becomes the most hated person in Clanton, Mississippi. The townsfolk expect Drew to be convicted and go to the gas chamber. It falls to Jake Brigance, Clanton's most famous lawyer, to defend the kid. However reluctant he is to put himself in the firing line, Jake is determined to do his best to save Drew. And, as the folk in Clanton already know, when Jake Brigance takes on a case, even a cut and dried one like this, anything can happen. ... |
Намисли си желание... Откакто се помни, Еванджелин Фокс вярва в истинската любов и щастливия край... до момента, в който разбира, че мъжът на сърцето ѝ ще се жени за друга. В отчаян опит да спре сватбата и да излекува нараненото си сърце, Еванджелин сключва сделка с харизматичния, но пагубен Принц на сърцата. Той се съгласява да помогне в замяна на три целувки - тя ще трябва да целуне трима души, когато и където той прецени. Ала още след първата Еванджелин осъзнава, че сделките с безсмъртен са опасна игра - и че Принцът на сърцата иска много повече от нея, отколкото е обещала. Той има планове за Еванджелин, ... |
And my toaster is taking over the world... By the winner of the waterstones children's book prize. Cover artwork by Robin Boyden. ... Luke’s dad has bought a lot of gadgets recently and not one of them works as it’s supposed to. Maybe it’s because a machine-from-the-future is stalking Bromley, playing havoc with all the tech and trying to stop Star Lad going on a date. Could this be the Rise of the Machines? Luke knows what he must do - he just needs his fellow SCARF members to help, or it will be the end of everything... ... |
A psycholinguistic analysis of editorials concerning 9/11. ... "Life and Death in a Time of Terror" is a psycholinguistic study of how 270 editorials from five different newspapers sought to make sense of an initially incomprehensible set of events: the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a United Airlines jet flying over a field somewhere in rural Pennsylvania. What made this a pressing task in 2001 was that not only did these attacks produce some 3000 deaths (many as horrible as can possibly be imagined), the destruction of two of America's largest ... |
From the Big Bang to Black Holes. The phenomenal international bestseller. Updated editition. ... Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece which begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time - from the Big Bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and string theory. To this day a A Brief History Of Time remains a staple of the scientific canon, and its ... |
Разделителят за книги е изключително полезен аксесоар на всички, които обичат да четат. Книгоразделителят от "Gespansterwald" може да послужи и за прекрасен подарък, който ще бъде оценен от всеки любител на четенето. Той е с фина изработка от дърво с дебелина 1.5 mm и е с размери 4.1 x 14 cm. ... |