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Търсене на: Kinderboeken over natuur

/ над 500 продукта /
Думата "Kinderboeken" е пропусната от търсенето, тъй като липсват резултати за нея.
Gustav Klimt. The Complete Paintings
Tobias G. Natter
Цена:  49.90 лв.
Пътуване до Края на света : A Journey to the End of the World
Людмила Филипова
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  30.00 лв.
Genesis. Sebastiao Salgado
Lelia Wanick Salgado
Цена:  199.90 лв.
Taste the Art
Veselina Slavcheva, Yolanta Delibosova - Yolly
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  98.00 лв.
Elixir. In the Valley at the End of Time
Kapka Kassabova
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  48.00 лв.
My Brother's Suitcase: Stories About the Road
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  20.00 лв.
Capital, Melting Glaciers and 2°C
Bistra Boeva
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  29.00 лв.
Robert Sapolsky
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  28.00 лв.
Rila Monastery
Mihail Enev
Цена:  200.00 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): San Francisco
Janet Hardy-Gould
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hollywood
Janet Hardy-Gould
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 3 (B1): Recycling
Sue Stewart
Цени от:  25.90 лв.
Думата "Kinderboeken" е пропусната от търсенето, тъй като липсват резултати за нея.
Продукти отговарящи на търсене: Kinderboeken over natuur
Gustav Klimt. The Complete Paintings -

Gustav Klimt. The Complete Paintings

Tobias G. Natter

Цена:  49.90 лв.
Fall under the spell of Gustav Klimt. Over a century after his death, Viennese artist Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) still startles with his unabashed eroticism, dazzling surfaces, and artistic experimentation. In this neat, dependable monograph, we gather all of Klimt's paintings alongside authoritative art historical commentary and privileged archival material from Klimt's own archive to trace the evolution of his astonishing oeuvre. With top-quality illustration, including new photography of the celebrated Stoclet Frieze, the book follows Klimt through his prominent role in the Secessionist movement of 1897, his ...
Пътуване до Края на света A Journey to the End of the World -

Пътуване до Края на света : A Journey to the End of the World

Людмила Филипова

Цена:  30.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... "Искрено завиждам на всеки, стъпил за пръв път на Антарктида. Най-студеният, най-ветровитият, най-високият и най-пустинният континент на Земята неудържимо привлича хората през последните два века от човешката история. Всеки, стъпил на суровите ледено-каменни брегове с мързеливо изтягащи се тюлени и тромаво поклащащи се пингвини, които ловко се гмуркат в леденостудените и кристалночисти води. Там властват космически студове и ураганни ветрове, феерия от цветове в играта на слънчевите лъчи, безкрайните снежни простори и ледени скулптури сякаш са изваяни от ръката на ...
Genesis. Sebastiao Salgado -

Genesis. Sebastiao Salgado

Lelia Wanick Salgado

Цена:  199.90 лв.
"In Genesis, my camera allowed nature to speak to me. And it was my privilege to listen." Sebastiao Salgado On a very fortuitous day in 1970, 26-year-old Sebastiao Salgado held a camera for the first time. When he looked through the viewfinder, he experienced a revelation: suddenly life made sense. From that day onward - though it took years of hard work before he had the experience to earn his living as a photographer - the camera became his tool for interacting with the world. Salgado, who "always preferred the chiaroscuro palette of black-and-white images," shot very little color in his early ...
Taste the Art -

Taste the Art

Veselina Slavcheva, Yolanta Delibosova - Yolly

Цена:  98.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
They say that the eyes feed first, then the body follows."The idea behind this book started in the land of smiles - Thailand. The specific aroma of Asian cuisine embraces everyone who sets foot in this land. This fragrance lingers in the mind, enriching the memories associated with the exotic. One of the festivals celebrated there, which is deeply connected to the story of this book, is the festival of the floating lanterns. Its preparation begins with the crafting of small boats made out of banana leaves in the shape of lotus flowers, lavishly adorned with petals and candles, before being set afloat in flowing water ...
Elixir. In the Valley at the End of Time -

Elixir. In the Valley at the End of Time

Kapka Kassabova

Жанет - 45
Цена:  48.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Set in the valley of the Mesta, one of the oldest inhabited river valleys in Europe and a nexus for wild plant gatherers, Elixir is an unforgettable exploration of the deep connections between people, plants and place. Over several seasons, Kassabova spends time with the people of this magical region. She meets women and men who work in a long lineage of foragers, healers and mystics. She learns about wild plants and the ancient practice of herbalism, and experiences a symbiotic system where nature and culture have blended for thousands of years. Through her captivating encounters we come to feel the devastating weight ...
My Brother's Suitcase: Stories About the Road -

My Brother's Suitcase: Stories About the Road

Цена:  20.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
This is a book that traces the boundaries of home. Twenty-two stories dedicated to the road. Twenty-two essays about life on the verge of languages and worlds. "My Brother's Suitcase" is an anthology of twenty-two stories about the evasive nature of the modern concept of ‘e/im/migration.’ A book about the language we feel at home with. About the suitcases that we carry around the world-suitcases full of memories, old photos, and dreams of home."The reflective, funny and bittersweet stories in My Brother's Suitcase made me rummage through my own baggage, accumulated over twenty years of expat life ...
Capital, Melting Glaciers and 2°C -

Capital, Melting Glaciers and 2°C

Bistra Boeva

Изток - Запад
Цена:  29.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Sustainable Corporate Governance in 21st century. ... This book is dedicated to those, who wish for a stress-free natural environment for themselves, their children and their children’s children. The narrative tells the story of how investments - a critical factor in the global economy - can mitigate the impact of climate change. Finding a way for the key corporate governance players to reconcile economic and sustainable development criteria is the main theme. This is a point that needs to be understood by the global community, because, unlike financial crises, the ill effects of global warming can not be reversed. ...
Behave -


Robert Sapolsky

Цена:  28.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
The Biology of Humans at our Best and Worst. ... Why do human beings behave as they do? We are capable of savage acts of violence but also spectacular feats of kindness: is one side of our nature destined to win out over the other? Every act of human behaviour has multiple layers of causation, spiralling back seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, even centuries, right back to the dawn of time and the origins of our species. In the epic sweep of history, how does our biology affect the arc of war and peace, justice and persecution? How have our brains evolved alongside our cultures? This is the exhilarating ...
Rila Monastery  -

Rila Monastery

Mihail Enev

Цена:  200.00 лв.
Rila Monastery is the stateliest historical monument of the Bulgarian's spirit. It's intricate and expressive architectural ensemble has been a treasure-house of priceless aesthetical relics and at the same time a living center of the nascency and evolution of the most progressive cultural-and-historical processes through the centuries. Viewed against th background of the rich architectural structure and of Bulgaria's church construction, it is not a solitary summit, but beyond all questions the highest one among the peaks of the country's national architecture. A permanent object of patriotic pride and of ...
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): San Francisco -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): San Francisco

Janet Hardy-Gould

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. "It's a good place for gold", said people in the 1840's, and they came from all over the world. "It's a good place for a prison", said the US government in the 1920s, and they put Al Capone there on the island of Alcatraz. "It's a good place for love", said ...
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hollywood -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hollywood

Janet Hardy-Gould

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Hollywood - nine big white letters against the Hollywood Hills. Every year millions of people come from all over the world and look up at this famous sign. Why do they come? They come to see the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to see the hand and foot prints outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They come ...
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 3 (B1): Recycling -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 3 (B1): Recycling

Sue Stewart

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  25.90 лв.
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. What will we do when there is nowhere to put our rubbish? Every day, all over the world, people drop cans, boxes, paper, and bottles into bins and never think about them again. And the rubbish mountains get bigger and bigger. But there is another way - a way that makes old paper into houses, broken ...
Търсене на: Kinderboeken over natuur Продукти 1-12 от над 500
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