Mini Tarot Deck. ... Using the methods of renowned reader Brigit Esselmont, "Everyday Tarot" blends mysticism with actionable self-help to create a method for building the life you want, using the ancient wisdom of Tarot. This approachable guide, from the founder of the incredibly popular website Biddy Tarot, brings the allure and guidance of Tarot to contemporary, goal-focused readers through relatable exercises and an emphasis on intuition. "Everyday Tarot" takes a fresh approach to a timeless art, giving modern soul-seekers the tools they need to access their inner wisdom and create an inspired ... |
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In a world where we're more connected than ever, why is it that we're also more lonely? Dip into this anthology of classic writing to reclaim the pleasure of your own company. Part of the "Macmillan Collector's Library", a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by writer and academic, Zachary Seager. "The Art of Solitude" shows some of the myriad ways in which people throughout history have understood their experiences of ... |
The "New York Times" bestseller. ... "Google" executive chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of products Jonathan Rosenberg came to "Google" over a decade ago as proven technology executives. At the time, the company was already well-known for doing things differently, reflecting the visionary and frequently contrarian principles of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. If Eric and Jonathan were going to succeed, they realized they would have to relearn everything they thought they knew about management and business. Today, "Google" is a global icon that regularly pushes ... |
An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame from bestselling Folk of the Air author Holly Black, with stunning full-colour illustrations by Rovina Cai. Once upon a time, there was a boy with a wicked tongue... Before he was a cruel prince or a wicked king, he was a faerie child with a heart of stone. The No. 1 Bestselling author Holly Black takes a deeper look into the dramatic life of Elfhame's enigmatic High King, Cardan, told only from his perspective. This new instalment in th "Folk of the Air" series is a return to the heart-racing romance, danger, humour and drama that haveenchanted ... |
What if we could improve our ability to predict the future? Everything we do involves forecasts about how the future will unfold. Whether buying a new house or changing job, designing a new product or getting married, our decisions are governed by implicit predictions of how things are likely to turn out. The problem is, we're not very good at it. In a landmark, twenty-year study, Wharton professor Philip Tetlock showed that the average expert was only slightly better at predicting the future than a layperson using random guesswork. Tetlock's latest project - an unprecedented, government-funded forecasting ... |
They say that the eyes feed first, then the body follows."The idea behind this book started in the land of smiles - Thailand. The specific aroma of Asian cuisine embraces everyone who sets foot in this land. This fragrance lingers in the mind, enriching the memories associated with the exotic. One of the festivals celebrated there, which is deeply connected to the story of this book, is the festival of the floating lanterns. Its preparation begins with the crafting of small boats made out of banana leaves in the shape of lotus flowers, lavishly adorned with petals and candles, before being set afloat in flowing water ... |
40th Anniversary Edition. ... Antoni Gaudi merged Orientalism, natural forms, and new materials into a Modernista aesthetic that made Barcelona a mecca for architecture fans. With new photography, plans, Gaudi's drawings, and a complete appendix of his works including unfinished projects, this book takes us into the proud Catalonian's unique worldview. Freedom of form with the Dante of architecture. The life of Antoni Gaudi (1852 - 1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted ... |
Защо се влюбват глупаците? Защо годишната заплата на един мъж расте средно с 240 долара за всеки сантиметър от ръста му? Как оптическите илюзии ни позволяват да надникнем в човешката душа? Свежият, дързък, понякога дори скандален психолог от МТИ Стивън Пинкър отговаря на всички тези въпроси и на още много други в своето страхотно забавно, впечатляващо изследване на съвременната наука за мозъка. Пинкър твърди, че Дарвин плюс хитроумни компютърни програми са ключът към разбирането на самите нас - но успява да вмъкне уместно и Стар Трек, Междузвездни войни, история, литература, У. К. Фийлдс, Моцарт, Мерилин Монро, ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This is a fresh, contemporary translation of Sun Tzu 's "The Art of War" for the 21st century. As well as its historical importance, it is one of the most influential political and business books of our era. This edition rediscovers the essential clarity of the ancient masterpiece, cited by generals from a dozen Chinese dynasties, international business leaders, and modern military field manuals. It also contains a full commentary on Sun Tzu, the man and his ideas, contemporary of Confucius and Buddha; and a critical guide to further reading. ... |
"Постоянно ни вълнува какво мислят хората за нас. Но забележи как мислите и идеите на всеки се променят само за няколко минути. Някой, който те възприема за добър човек, може да дойде и да нарече лош. Някой, който те мисли за добър човек и да те нарече лош. Някой, който те мисли за добър човек, в следващия момент ти казва, че си лош. Колко време мислите, че е необходимо, за да се промени мнението ни? Само няколко минути!" Шри Шри Рави Шанкар ... |
"На някои въпроси може да се отговори само в тишината... Душата ти е кристализирана тишина и тази кристализирани тишина е мъдрост, знание." Шри Шри Рави Шанкар Шри Шри Рави Шанкар е виден хуманитарен деец и основател на фондация "Изкуството да живееш". Мъдрите му думи, даващи на хората утеха, увереност и сила, вече са достъпни за всеки. Петте години на седмични беседи, събрани в този том, отварят ума ни за красотата и загадъчността на живота. Само с няколко добре подбрани думи Шри Шри обсъжда проблемите, объркванията и усложненията, с които се сблъскваме във всекидневието, и разгръща най - висшите ... |
Практични съвети за родители. ... "Опознай детето си" е богата компилация от лекции на Шри Шри Рави Шанкар на теми, свързани с изкуството да отгледаш дете. Тази уникална сбирка е безценен подарък за родители и педагози, които желаят да вникнат във фините аспекти на детската психология. Книгата включва безценни практични съвети - древни и революционни истини, толкова актуални за нашето време - за това как да насочваме цялостното развитие на децата ни в израстването им като пълноценни и уверени човешки същества, имащи силата на човешките ценности, здрав дух и здраво тяло. Шри Шри Рави Шанкар по много обикновен ... |