Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Rather than be "sivilized" by the Widow Douglas, Huckleberry Finn - the grubby but good-natured son of a local drunk - sets off with Jim, an escaped slave, to find freedom on the Mississippi river. With the law on their tail, they navigate a world of robbers, slave hunters and con men, and Huck must choose between what society says is "right" and his own burgeoning understanding of Jim's friendship and humanity. Nostalgic and melancholy in equal measure, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain is a razor-sharp ... |
Based on the story of Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Dr. Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to send his young son there, that is good news for the school. The Duke is a very important person, and Dr. Huxtable is happy to have his son in the school. But two weeks later Dr. Huxtable is the unhappiest man in England. Why? And why does he take the train down to London and go to Baker Street? Why does he need the help of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes? Because someone has kidnapped the Duke's son... Classics, modern fiction, non- ... |
What if you found out that your family isn't yours at all? How far would you go to protect them? A gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of "The Girl Before"... Pete Riley answers the door one morning and lets in a parent's worst nightmare. On his doorstep is Miles Lambert, a stranger who breaks the devastating news that Pete's son, Theo, isn't actually his son he is the Lamberts', switched at birth by an understaffed hospital while their real son was sent home with Miles and his wife, Lucy. For Pete, his partner Maddie, and the little boy they've been raising ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A story of jealousy, estrangement and murder. Private Investigator Nathan Marley is hired by a homeless woman to find her missing son. At the same time Marley embarks on a strange relationship with a rich eccentric widow. The poorest and richest of New York are brought together in this thriller from the American detective series. ... |
This will end in flames... The story is supposed to be over. Simon Snow did everything he was supposed to do. He beat the villain. He won the war. He even fell in love. Now comes the good part, right? Now comes the happily ever after... So why can’t Simon Snow get off the couch? What he needs, according to his best friend, is a change of scenery. He just needs to see himself in a new light. That’s how Simon and Penny and Baz end up in a vintage convertible, tearing across the American West. They find trouble, of course. (Dragons, vampires, skunk-headed things with shotguns.) And they get lost. They get so lost, they ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. In 1918 in the peaceful province of Transkei, South Africa, the Mandela family gave their new baby son the name Rolihlahla - "troublemaker". But the young boy's early years were happy ones, and he grew up to be a good student and an enthusiastic sportsman. Who could imagine then what was ... |
Retold by Nicole Irving. ... The story of Hachiko, Japan's most famous dog, begins in the early 1920s, when he comes to live in Tokyo with Professor Ueno. Hachiko loves his new master. When the professor takes the train to work every morning, Hachiko goes with him to the station - and when the professor comes home in the evening, his faithful dog is always waiting. Hachiko soon has many friends in the streets of Tokyo - people like Nobu, the young son of a food seller. Life is good for Hachiko - until one day, everything changes... Here, Nobu tells the true story of Japan's most faithful dog. Classics, modern ... |
Искате ли да ви отведем на едно вълнуващо пътешествие в Мезозойската ера? Добре дошли в машината на времето на д-р Гущеров! Катя, Миро и малкият Рекс ще ви разкажат как е изглеждала планетата ни преди милиони години - навред бродели гиганти. Някои имали остри зъби и ненаситен апетит, други били целите бронирани, а трети пораствали толкова огромни, че нищо не можело да ги уплаши. Но после, неизвестно защо, те изчезнали от лицето на Земята. Точно така - това са динозаврите. Готови ли сте да разгадаем тайните им? Да потегляме! "Защо: Динозаврите" е част от поредицата енциклопедия в комикси, нарисувани в ... |
Дълбоко сред дивата природа на Сибир една жена бяга, преследвана от мъж, който крие тайни - мъж, който възнамерява да я убие. На другия край на света Джеймс Рийс се възстановява след мозъчна операция в пустошта на Монтана и бавно сглобява живота си с помощта на разследващата журналистка Кейти Буранек и дългогодишния си приятел и съратник от екипа на военноморските тюлени Рейф Хейстингс. Междувременно руската мафия е насочила погледа си към тях в смъртоносна игра на котка и мишка. В най-дълбокия си и разтърсващ трилър досега, Джак Кар изследва най-тъмните инстинкти на човечеството през очите на човек, който е видял и ... |
Българката Калина е омъжена за французина Дидие. Едно цяло лято семейството трябва да прекара с родителите на Дидие - мадам Жонвиен и мосю Жан-Батист дьо Лакрот - в имението им във френската провинция. Къде очаквано, къде не толкова, в красивия семеен замък ще се появят още сума интересни герои - инатливите деца на Калина от първия ѝ брак, артистичният ѝ брат, роднините от село Злокучане, лигавите френски племенници, непоносимата зълва и... кой ли още не. На всички им предстои едно незабравимо лято, в което френската изисканост и парижки стил се срещат челно с българската непосредственост и шопски инат. А от ... |
A hilarious, groundbreaking young adult novel for anyone who's ever called themselves a feminist and anyone who hasn't. For fans of Louise O'Neill, Holly Bourne and Amy Schumer. Izzy O'Neill here! Impoverished orphan, aspiring comedian and Slut Extraordinaire, if the gossip sites are anything to go by. Izzy never expected to be eighteen and internationally reviled. But when explicit photos involving her, a politician's son and a garden bench are published online, the trolls set out to take her apart. Armed with best friend Ajita and a metric ton of nachos, she tries to laugh it off - but as the daily ... |