The Thought Police, doublethink, Newspeak, Big Brother - "1984" itself: these terms and concepts have moved from the world of fiction into our everyday lives. They are central to our thinking about freedom and its suppression; yet they were newly created by George Orwell in 1949 as he conjured his dystopian vision of a world where totalitarian power is absolute. In this novel, continuously popular since its first publication, readers can explore the dark and extraordinary world he brought so fully to life. The principal characters who lead us through that world are ordinary human beings like ourselves: ... |
The year is 1984. The country is impoverished and permanently at war, people are watched day and night by Big Brother and their every action and thought is controlled by the Thought Police. Winston Smith works in the department of propaganda, where his job is to rewrite the past. Spurred by his longing to escape, Winston rebels. He breaks the law by falling in love with Julia and, as part of the clandestine organization the Brotherhood, they attempt the unimaginable - to bring down the Party. George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of the most famous and influential novels of the 20th century. This terrifying ... |
Нов превод (2020) от Венцислав К. Венков на най-важният роман на XX век - "1984" на Джордж Оруел, допълнен с изключителни илюстрации на Дамян Дамянов. "1984" е безспорно най-важният роман, писан през XX век, чиято стойност само нараства с всеки ден след публикуването му през 1949 г. Антиутопичният свят, който Оруел рисува, е естествено продължение на идеите от алегоричната приказка "Фермата на животните", насочени към разкриване на опасността от тоталитарното управление. В този свят абсолютният властник Големия брат и неговите подчинени следят постоянно всички, Партията е вечно права и ... |
In George Orwell ‘s dystopian classic, 1984, a bleak landscape unfolds under the omnipresent gaze of Big Brother. In a society devoid of privacy, Winston Smith finds himself entangled in a dangerous dance between resistance and conformity. As he grapples with the oppressive Party and its manipulation of truth, Orwell‘s chilling portrayal serves as a stark warning against the erosion of freedom and the power of unchecked authority. This is a world where truth is malleable and individuality is a forbidden luxury. 1984 remains an enduring masterpiece, haunting readers with its timeless depiction of the struggle for ... |
George Orwell 's dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four is perhaps the most pervasively influential book of the twentieth century, making famous Big Brother, newspeak and Room 101. 'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past' Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, ... |
Повече от седемдесет години антиутопията 1984 е настолно четиво за всеки, обичащ свободата. Големия брат, наблюдаващ ни денонощно, отдавна се е превърнал в нарицателно. А фалшивите новини са навсякъде. Колкото и прекален да ни се струва описаният тотален контрол, той е познат в историята. Има го и днес в поне една страна. И липсва гаранция, че няма да плъзне отново по света. Освен прекрасна белетристична творба, изпълнена с бунтуваща се тъга и напрежение, този все по-актуален роман на Джордж Оруел е и включена аларма докъде може да стигне обществото, ако се подчинява на властта сляпо и овчедушно. Книга, която всеки ... |
Уинстън Смит работи в Министерството на истината в Лондон, град от държавата Океания. Неговото служебно задължение е да пренаписва новини от стари вестници, за да станат в съответствие с представяните от установената власт исторически факти, защото: "Който владее миналото, той владее и бъдещето. Който владее настоящето, владее миналото.". "Големият брат те наблюдава" гласи надписът под безброй портрети, чрез видеоекрани всички граждани са под постоянен надзор, а Полицията на мисълта следи за всяко отклонение от официалната идеология, чиито основни постулати са: Войната е мир; Свободата е робство; ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Двуезични разкази на английски и на български език за ниво A1 - A2. ... "Поредицата Bilingual stories на издателство Веси е предназначена за читатели, които са начинаещи (I - II ниво) в обучението си по английски език. Оригиналният текст е съпътстван паралелно с превод на български език. А за онези, които са средно напреднали или напреднали (III - VI ниво) по английски език е поредицата Adapted stories на издателството. В нея текстовете не са съкратени, а имат обяснителни бележки, упражнения и речник." Галин Йорданов ... |
The Road to Wigan Pier is a book in two parts: the first half is Orwell 's description of working-class life in industrial communities of the north of England, the second examines his own political views. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is introduced by journalist and author Amelia Gentleman. The Road to Wigan Pier is an insightful and powerful account of lives lived in poverty and deprivation in a time of low wages ... |
In "Burmese Days", George Orwell, one of the most famous writers in the English language, draws on his own experience of living and working in Burma to write an unflinching novel about the dark side of imperialism. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by journalist and writer David Eimer. John Flory is a disillusioned timber merchant based in the remote town of Kyauktada in 1920s Burma. Whilst ... |
Homage to Catalonia remains one of the most famous accounts of the Spanish Civil War. With characteristic scrutiny, Orwell questions the actions and motives of all sides whilst retaining his firm beliefs in human courage and the need for radical social change. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library - a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is introduced by Helen Graham, a leading historian on the Spanish Civil War. When George Orwell arrived in Spain in 1936, he ... |
George Orwell wrote extensively about English life and politics and this selection of essays and journalism brings together some of his most provocative and insightful writing on England and Englishness. Orwell's interests were broad. He often wrote about everyday concerns such as transport, food and the weather. Turning to social issues, he exposed the plight of the poor and the unemployed. He dissected the idea of nationalism and he examined the failings of the Left. What emerges from his acute observation of English rituals, habits and attitudes is his belief that these are the very things with which the English ... |