GCSE Revision without the boring bits, from Newton's Laws to levitating frogs. Illustrated by James Davies. ... Get Ahead in Physics covers the essentials for GCSE science in a book you can start and finish - without falling asleep in the middle! Each chapter is tied to a key topic for studying Physics. Learn about: the particle model of matter; energy; radiation; electricity; newton's laws; waves; electromagnetism; cosmology. Along the way, hear fascinating TRUE stories of the Philosopher's Stone, radioactive energy drinks and a couple of levitating frogs... Each chapter ends with an "at ... |
This playful, entertaining, and mind-bending introduction to modern physics briskly explains Einstein's general relativity, quantum mechanics, elementary particles, gravity, black holes, the complex architecture of the universe, and the role humans play in this weird and wonderful world. Carlo Rovelli, a renowned theoretical physicist, is a delightfully poetic and philosophical scientific guide. He takes us to the frontiers of our knowledge: to the most minute reaches of the fabric of space, back to the origins of the cosmos, and into the workings of our minds. The book celebrates the joy of discovery."Here, on ... |
"We have to keep in mind that physics, however complicated this science might appear, has been developed by human kind, that therein persons and their fascinating fates have been involved, who achieved advances only in scientific data and research reports, but also in the richness of its historical scientific, in photographic plates and in the scientist's biography. This historical documentation is certainly the basis to start form, but thereafter, the physicists will have to continue the job on their own, somehow they must accomplish the discoverer's achievements afresh and they have a duty to impart results ... |
Учебното помагало: е предназначено за ученици в 9. клас на паралелките с интензивно изучаване на английски език; следва съдържанието на профилирания учебник по предмета; съдържа адаптирани текстове за усвояване на новите знания и понятия на английски език към всеки урок; включва упражнения за затвърдяване на съответната лексика и практическото овладяване на езика. Към всеки от уроците има кратък терминологичен речник. Всеки урок е представен на две страници с помощта на ясен алгоритъм: кратък адаптиран текст за новите знания; английско-български речник на имената и понятията; разнообразни задачи за ... |
В света на науката всеки ден се случват невъзможни неща! От телепортацията до телекинезата, с маниера на научен фантаст, Мичио Каку ни представя полето на действие и ограниченията на физичните закони такива, каквито ги познаваме днес. Предстои ви да разберете: как оптиката и електромагнетизмът един ден ще ни дадат възможност да насочваме потока светлина около предмети - като вода, заобикаляща речен камък, - за да станат те невидими за наблюдателя. как реактивни ракети, лазерни платна, двигатели с антиматерия и наноракети един ден биха ни отвели до близки и далечни звезди как телепатията и психокинезата, смятани ... |
Жив и увлекателен разказ за това как съвременната наука се е еманципирала от античната философия и как теоретичните физици днес се завръщат към нейните ненаучни корени. В зората на XVII в. Галилео разкъсва хватката на Платоновата и Аристотеловата философия. Той променя драстично начина, по който възприемаме природата: според него трябва да основаваме теорията си за действителността върху това, което можем да наблюдаваме и изучаваме, а не върху чистата мисъл. В хода на този процес той полага основите на онова, което по-късно ще се нарече наука. Това подготвя сцената за всички последвали пробиви - от Кеплер, през Нютон, до ... |
Introduction to time-dependent quantum dynamics of atoms and molecules. ... The author is the head of the Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Group at the Department of Theoretical Physics. He reads lecture courses in theoretical physics, mathematical methods in physics and special courses in advanced quantum physics. The author has over 150 publications in peer-reviewed international journals with nearly 2000 citations. ... |
From the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible and Physics of the Future. This is the story of a quest: to find a Theory of Everything. Einstein dedicated his life to seeking this elusive Holy Grail, a single, revolutionary god equation which would tie all the forces in the universe together, yet never found it. Some of the greatest minds in physics took up the search, from Stephen Hawking to Brian Greene. None have yet succeeded. In The God Equation, renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku takes the reader on a mind-bending ride through the twists and turns of this epic journey: a ... |
This full-colour book features four thrilling adventure stories, with an interactive twist! In order to progress through each story, the reader must solve a series of fun, science-themed puzzles. Go undercover with the agents of N. R. G. to learn about physics... solve a biological mystery with Molly Cool... race against time to solve the chemistry-themed puzzles of Atomic Island... and discover the technological secrets of Electree City! Exciting, educational fun for readers aged 7+. The book is part of the series "Solve the Puzzles, Save the World". ... |
Finance-banking resource technologikal mafia-driven Materialismus. ... Lord Prof. prof. Dr. Momchil Dobrev - Halachev is the only research professor in three disciplines - physics, economics and law. In the distant 1985. In just one year, he graduated from the Ilmenau Technical University for three and a half years, and was immediately invited to work with Prof. K-H von Gothe in his laboratory, where under the guidance of the professor in February 1985 they discovered superconductivity, but were forbidden to it was published after Bulgarian State Security agents began to press Momchil Dobrev. 1987 The Nobel Committee ... |
The main purpose of the book Mathematical Handbook is to present school Students, applying to Mathematical Colleges and Universities, candidates for SAT I and SAT II, Students of Mathematics, Computer sciences, Economics, Engineering, Physics and other sciences full information on mathematics concepts, formulas, graphs, axioms, theorems and tables. Moreover, this book is helpful to those Students who go to mathematics exams and competitions, where they can easily express their own ideas and thoughts by solving mathematical problems. Mathematical handbook is written according to the newest educational programs and ... |
Shortlisted for the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books. ... Life's Greatest Secret is the story of the discovery and cracking of the genetic code. This great scientific breakthrough has had far-reaching consequences for how we understand ourselves and our place in the natural world. The code forms the most striking proof of Darwin's hypothesis that all organisms are related, holds tremendous promise for improving human well-being, and has transformed the way we think about life. Matthew Cobb interweaves science, biography and anecdote in a book that mixes remarkable insights, theoretical dead-ends and ... |