The "New York Times" bestseller. ... "Google" executive chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of products Jonathan Rosenberg came to "Google" over a decade ago as proven technology executives. At the time, the company was already well-known for doing things differently, reflecting the visionary and frequently contrarian principles of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. If Eric and Jonathan were going to succeed, they realized they would have to relearn everything they thought they knew about management and business. Today, "Google" is a global icon that regularly pushes ... |
George Orwell 's dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four is perhaps the most pervasively influential book of the twentieth century, making famous Big Brother, newspeak and Room 101. 'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past' Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, ... |
Over one million copies sold in Japan. ... A beautifully moving tale of loss and reaching out to the ones we love, of one man's journey to discover what really matters in modern life. Our narrator's days are numbered. Estranged from his family, living alone with only his cat Cabbage for company, he was unprepared for the doctor's diagnosis that he has only months to live. But before he can set about tackling his bucket list, the Devil appears with a special offer: in exchange for making one thing in the world disappear, he can have one extra day of life. And so begins a very bizarre week... Because how do ... |
In 2007 "Taschen" released The New Erotic Photography, followed in 2012 by The New Erotic Photography 2. Each book featured hundreds of fresh and provocative images from the world's most intriguing erotic talents. Now the best of both books is available in The New Erotic Photography, featuring 62 photographers from 10 countries, exploring the global variations of erotic photography, as well as the evolution of photographic media over the last decade. We see film give way to digital, while those who persist with film are as likely to use Polaroids and primitive cameras like the Lomo and Holga as traditional ... |
Over 200 paintings, sculptures, photographs, and conceptual pieces trace the story of modern art's innovation and adventure. With explanatory texts for each work, and essays introducing each of the major modern movements, this is an authoritative overview of the ideas and the artworks that shook up standards, assaulted the establishment, and trailblazed new ideas. A blow-by-blow account of groundbreaking modernism. Most art historians agree that the modern art adventure first developed in the 1860s in Paris. A circle of painters, whom we now know as Impressionists, began painting pictures with rapid, loose brushwork. ... |
Комплектът включва пълно представяне на "Delaney & Bonnie & Friends" в "London Royal Albert Hall", както и изпълненията на следващата вечер в "Colston Hall" в Бристол, завършвайки с ранните и късни предавания от последната спирка на турнето във "Fairfield Halls" в Кройдън. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Красив свят, къде си ти е възхваляван от критиката роман на Сали Руни, зареден с обезоръжаваща интимност и с предизвикателните ѝ възгледи за развитието на света, напълно оправдава всички очаквания. Добила култов статус сред широка читателска аудитория, след шедьовъра Нормални хора, Руни се завръща с история за обърканите отношения между две двойки, за която тя получи втората си Ирландската литературна награда за роман на годината. Красив свят, къде си ти е определян като най-зрелия ѝ роман дотук и е впечатляващо автентична дисекция на отношенията между трийсетгодишните. Руни размишлява над смисъла на живота, ... |
Im Werk Friedrich Nietzsche (Nietzsche, Friedrich 1844 - 1900) begegnet uns einer der großen, genialischen Geister der europäischen Philosophie. Sein unerhört breiter Einfluss als wahrhaft "freier Denker", der nicht davor zurückschreckt, bisweilen sogar sich selbst mit allem Nachdruck und mit guten Gründen zu widersprechen, dauert in Kunst, Literatur und Philosophie bis heute fort. Diese Ausgabe versammelt die Schlüsselwerke seiner frühen, mittleren und späten Schaffensperiode - von "Die Geburt der Tragödie" über "Also sprach Zarathustra" ... |
Eric Carle 's classic, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", in board book format. A much-loved classic, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" has won over millions of readers with its vivid and colourful collage illustrations and its deceptively simply, hopeful story. With its die-cut pages and finger-sized holes to explore, this is a richly satisfying book for children. Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of books for very young children. Eric lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Barbara. ... |
A little learning library using artwork from Eric Carle's classic, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Introducing first concepts, this wonderful board book collection makes a perfect first library. Each book is filled with Eric Carle's much-loved collage art and large, simple text. Ideal for little hands to hold the sturdy board pages are durable enough to withstand the rough and tumble of toddlers. Preschoolers will love learning with "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"! Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of books for very young children. Eric lives ... |