Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! Read Twisted Hate now for a steamy enemies to lovers romance. He hates her... almost as much as he wants her. Gorgeous, cocky, and fast on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, Josh Chen has never met a woman he couldn't charm - except for Jules f**king Ambrose. The beautiful redhead has been a thorn in his side since they met, but she also consumes his thoughts in a way no woman ever has. When their animosity explodes into one unforgettable night, he proposes a solution that'll get her out of his system once and for all: an ... |
Pretending to be in love never tasted better. A wedding in Spain. The most infuriating man. Three days to convince your family you're actually in love... Catalina Martin desperately needs a date to her sister's wedding. Especially when her little white lie about her American boyfriend has spiraled out of control. Now everyone she knows - including her ex-boyfriend and his fiancée - will be there. She only has four weeks to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic for her and aid in her deception. NYC to Spain is no short flight and her family won't be easy to fool... But even then, when Aaron ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn't see coming. Nora is a cut-throat literary agent at the top of her game. Her whole life is books. Charlie is an editor with a gift for creating bestsellers. And he's Nora's work nemesis. Nora has been through enough break-ups to know she's the woman men date before they find their happy-ever-after. That's why Nora's sister has persuaded her to swap her desk in the city for a month's holiday in Sunshine Falls, North Carolina. It's a small town straight out of a romance novel, but instead of meeting sexy lumberjacks, handsome doctors or cute ... |
Книга от поредицата "Строго секретно". ... "Книгата "Врагове" разкрива историята на Федералното бюро за разследване в качеството му на тайна разузнавателна служба. Ние мислим за ФБР като за полиция, която арестува престъпници и поддържа върховенството на закона. Но тайното разузнаване срещу терористи и шпиони е първата и най-важна мисия на Бюрото днес и това се отнася за по-голямата част от последните сто години."Врагове" е хроника на вековния постоянен конфликт относно поведението на тайното разузнаване в една отворена демокрация и на решителната схватка между националната сигурност и ... |
"To Reuturn to Your Father's House" contains poems by Dimcho Debelyanov, selected and translated by Christopher Buxton. Christopher Buxton is a novelist and translator of Bulgarian literary texts into English. From 1977 onwards he has been an active advocate for Bulgarian culture in the United Kingdom. This work was recognised in 2015 by an award and medal from The Bulgarian Ministry of Culture. Dimcho Debelyanov, whose life was ended by a British sniper's bullet on the Doiran Front in 1916, deserves a place alongside fellow poets Wilfred Owen and Isaac Rosenberg. ... |
Звездата от Приятели разказва за живота си в Приятели, любовници и голямото ужасно нещо. Чандлър Бинг е един от най-обичаните герои от ситкомите на всички времена. Неговият шантав чар забавляваше зрителите на Приятели цели 10 години. За Матю Пери обаче дългогодишните фенове на продукцията си спомнят, че лудориите на неговия герой на екрана прикриваха някои сериозни борби, тъй като актьорът се бореше със своите зависимости. В предстоящите си мемоари Пери ще изложи всичко това на показ. В автобиографията му Приятели, любовници и голямото ужасно нещо, ще разгледаме връзките, пристрастяването и преживяванията на Матю Пери ... |
На 27 септември 1986 година басистът на Metallica Клиф Бъртън загина в автобусна катастрофа близо до Люнгби, Швеция. Едва 24-годишен. В двете десетилетия след това нито една книга не бе посветена на таланта на Клиф и постиженията му. Досега. To Live Is To Die рисува откровен и интимен портрет на един хевиметъл гигант. Предговорът е написан от Кърк Хамет - най-добрият приятел на Клиф в Metallica. Авторът Джоел Макайвър е интервюирал най-близките хора на музиканта, много от които говорят за него тук за първи път. Мислите, че познавате Metallica? Помислете пак. Тази книга ще ви даде нова информация за най-съзидателния ... |
Packed with doodles and cartoons, this is the wry, witty and very funny diary of Norse god Loki and the trials of being trapped on Earth as a weedy eleven-year-old boy. After one prank too many, trickster god Loki is banished to live as a "normal" school boy. If he can show moral improvement within one month, then Loki can return to Asgard... and if he can't? Then it's eternity in a pit of angry snakes. To keep track of his progress, Odin has handed over this magical diary in which Loki is forced to confess the truth. (Even when that truth is as ugly as a naked mole-rat.) As if moral improvement and ... |
Feminist fairytales for young and old. Await no princes to save you through their lips touching yours whilst you are in unwilling slumber. Wake each other up instead. Step into this world of empowering re-imagined fairytales where the stereotypes of obliging lovers, violent men and girls that need rescuing are transformed into brave princesses, blurred lines between heroes and villains, and a courageous Gretel who can bring down monsters on her own. ... |
"Първо, искам да бъда честен. Миналото ми не е безупречно. Много е вероятно и вие да си имате своите травми и неприятни преживявания. Използвайте ги, за да ви тласнат към по-добри неща. Учете се от тях. Ако аз мога да го направя – да започна като уличен хлапак и да стана солиден гражданин, който се радва на финансов успех, – значи всеки може. Второ, аз случих на хора, които проявиха готовност да ми бъдат наставници, да ми дадат втори шанс и да ми позволят да се докажа. Не бъдете прекалено горделиви и не отхвърляйте помощта. Това ще е един от най-важните аспекти в развитието на вашия бизнес и трябва да сте наясно с ... |
Based on the story of William Shakespeare. Retold by Alistair McCallum. ... This is the most famous of all Shakespeare's plays - a story of young love. What's in a name? Does it really matter if you are called Montague or Capulet? When Romeo, son of Lord Montague, falls in love with the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, he finds that it does matter. It makes all the difference in the world, because both families hate each other. For a time, Romeo and Juliet manage to keep their love secret. But when Romeo is sent away from Verona, hope begins to die. Can any of their friends help the young lovers to be ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is the second book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of ... |