Ема Удхаус е красива, умна и богата, притежава изискан дом и жизнерадостен характер. Единственият й проблем е, че смята себе си за по-висша от другите, и се забавлява, като се опитва да режисира живота им. Резултатите, за съжаление, не винаги са по вкуса й."Ема" е може би най-добрият роман на Джейн Остин. Описвайки немирните планове и последвалото ги отрезвяване на мис Удхаус, знаменитата английска писателка не пропуска случай да отправи иронични стрели към обществото и нравите. Въпреки че самата авторка скромно описва работата си като "малкото парченце слонова кост, не по-голямо от няколко сантиметра, ... |
Книгата е част от поредицата "Клуб Класика" на издателство "Хермес". ... Красива, умна, богата и неомъжена, Ема Удхаус е напълно удовлетворена от живота си. Не изпитва нужда нито от обич, нито от брак. Нищо обаче не я забавлява повече от това да се меси в любовните отношения на останалите. Нейният добър приятел мистър Найтли я предупреждава да не си играе със съдбите на хората, правейки се на сватовница. Тя не се вслушва в съветите му и внимателно начертаните ѝ планове се провалят. И водят до последици, които ще подложат на съмнение доброволното ѝ бягство от романтиката. Джейн Остин ( ... |
Умна и самоуверена, Ема е убедена, че може да намери идеалния съпруг за приятелката си Хариет. Но с всяка следваща грешка, която допуска, тя осъзнава, че може би не познава хората толкова добре, колкото си мисли. Всъщност тя може би не познава дори собствено си сърце. Особено когато става въпрос за един определен джентълмен. ... |
Jane Austen teased readers with the idea of a "heroine whom no one but myself will much like", but Emma is irresistible. "Handsome, clever, and rich", Emma is also an "imaginist", "on fire with speculation and foresight". She sees the signs of romance all around her, but thinks she will never be married. Her matchmaking maps out relationships that Jane Austen ironically tweaks into a clearer perspective. Judgement and imagination are matched in games the reader too can enjoy, and the end is a triumph of understanding. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Oft-copied but never bettered, Jane Austen's "Emma" is a remarkable comedy of manners that follows the charming but insensitive Emma Woodhouse as she sets out on an ill-fated career of match-making in the little town of Highbury. Taking the pretty but dreary Harriet Smith as her subject, Emma creates misunderstandings and chaos as she tries to find Harriet a suitor, until she begins to realize it isn't the lives of others she must try to transform. Gorgeously illustrated by the celebrated Hugh Thomson, this "Macmillan Collector' ... |
The Juvenilia and shorter works of Jane Austen with an afterword by Kathryn White. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This rare collection is a must for all Jane-ites, representing what Richard Church regarded as Jane Austen's literary work-basket. It contains not only her hilarious History of England, illustrated by her favourite sister Cassandra, but the unfinished Sanditon, the novel of her maturity on which she was working at her death, aged 42. Also included are the two epistolary novels, "Lady Susan" and "Love and Friendship" [sic], and other, shorter works: "The Watsons", & ... |
This gorgeous boxed set of all of her classic romantic novels includes "Pride and Prejudice", "Emma", "Sense and Sensibility", "Mansfield Park", "Persuasion" and "Northanger Abbey", and each individual volume is beautifully designed and features a bespoke jacket, introduction or afterword, and Hugh Thomson's timeless, evocative illustrations. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Whether in the electrically charged chemistry of Elizabeth Bennett and ... |
Учебникът развива четирите езикови умения и постига целите на програмата чрез разнообразни дейности, в които учениците: четат и слушат неадаптирани художествени текстове от литературната класика на Великобритания и САЩ и после ги обсъждат в контекста на съвременната популярна култура (поп и рок музика, кино, комикс, социални мрежи и пр.); обогатяват речника си с лексика, която ще им помогне да следят световни медии, като BBC и CNN, The Times и The Guardian, както и да гледат без субтитри дори най-сложните филми; се научават да изразяват убедително на английски език своята естетическа и гражданска позиция по въпроси, ... |
По романа на Джейн Остин, преразказан от Силвана Сарди. ... Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, rich, intelligent and a snob. She says she will never marry, but loves matchmaking and is determined to find a suitable husband for her friend Harriet Smith. However, her imagination often leads her to make mistakes, creating problems for both her and the people around her. Jane Austen describes the social values of her time and the novel is full of comical moments as Emma causes one disaster after another. Jane Austen once described Emma as a character 'whom no one but myself will much like'."You must be the best judge ... |
Some friendships need celebrating, some are hard to navigate, and some need a bit of tender love and care. Delve into this anthology for a tour of all aspects of friendship by your favourite classic authors. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by Michèle Mendelssohn. "Why Friendship Matters" is an inspiring collection that spans three centuries of writing and includes many favourite ... |
Based on the story of Jane Austen. Text adaptation by Barbara Mackay. ... Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She lives alone with her father, and spends a lot of her time thinking about future husbands - for her friends. When she meets Harriet Smith, a poor girl with no family, Emma decides that she must find a husband for her. Harriet is pleased to be Emma's friend - but will Emma's matchmaking make Harriet happy? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries ... |
Based on the story of Jane Austen. Retold by Clare West. ... Emma Woodhouse, beautiful, clever and rich, has no wish to marry, but she enjoys making matches for those around her. It was Emma who found the perfect husband for her governess Miss Taylor. So when her dear friend Mr Knightley tells her that she should let people choose their own husbands and wives, she will not listen. But does Emma really understand people as well as she thinks? And is she even right about her own feelings, when she says that she will never fall in love? Winner of the Extensive Reading Foundation Language Learner Literature Award Winner ... |