Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Cambridge YLE: Flyers". ... Fun preparation for A2 Flyers works towards the skills you need to be ready on exam day. Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey, practising exam tasks and giving great tips. Checklist Buddy helps them assess their own work, and Think Big Giraffe connects learning to their world. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice, "Fun boost" ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Cambridge YLE: Movers". ... Fun preparation for A1 "Movers" covers all the skills you need to be ready on exam day. Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey, practising exam tasks and giving great tips. Checklist Buddy helps them assess their own work, and Think Big Giraffe connects learning to their world. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice, 'Fun boost' ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Cambridge YLE: Movers". ... Fun preparation for "A1 Movers" works towards the skills you need to be ready on exam day. Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey, practising exam tasks and giving great tips. Checklist Buddy helps them assess their own work, and Think Big Giraffe connects learning to their world. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice, 'Fun boost ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Cambridge YLE: Starters". ... Fun preparation for "Pre A1 Starters" covers all the skills you need to be ready on exam day. Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey, practising exam tasks and giving great tips. Checklist Buddy helps them assess their own work, and Think Big Giraffe connects learning to their world. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice, 'Fun ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Граматиката е идеална за студенти и за всички служители в сферата на бизнеса. Обясненията са на достъпен език, като граматиката се фокусира върху граматичните особености и в говоримия, и в писмения език. Благодарения на многобройните упражнения учащите добиват сигурност при общуването и използването на бизнес английски. ... |
С ръководството за учителя преподаващият ще получи подробни насоки за поставянето на задачите във всеки урок. В ръководството за учителя са включени: отговорите на всички упражнения от уроците; отговорите на упражненията в учебната тетрадка; отговорите на задачите от книгата с допълнителни упражнения (Extra Practice Book). "Cambridge University Press" препоръчва да използвате книгите от серията "Interactive Readers. Level A1" като допълнителни материали за Вашето обучение. Учебната система "MORE! - Ниво 1 (А1)" се състои от: учебник + интерактивен CD-ROM учебна тетрадка + аудио CD ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Cambridge YLE: Flyers". ... Fun preparation for A2 Flyers covers all the skills you need to be ready on exam day. Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey, practising exam tasks and giving great tips. Checklist Buddy helps them assess their own work, and Think Big Giraffe connects learning to their world. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice, 'Fun boost' activities ... |
All the grammar you need for Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools. ... В помагалото ще намерите: обяснения на граматиката в контекст; упражнения за граматика, слушане, говорене, четене и писане; упражнения в изпитен формат; различна трудност на упражненията, подходяща за ученици на различно ниво; преговор на граматиката, тестове; приблизително 30 урока във всяко ниво. Помагалото не съдържа отговори и е подходящо за работа с преподавател. В сайта на издателството има подходящи аудиоматериали, които са достъпни само с преподавателски профил. Учебно-помощната система Oxford Grammar for Schools - ниво 5 ( ... |
"Oxford Grammar for Schools" gives students the opportunity to explore grammar for themselves and encourages them to be aware of their progress through regular self-evaluation and review. As students activate their grammar through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, they activate their English. Covers all the grammar students need to know for the Cambridge exams Approximately 30 units per level - the right length for one academic year Clearly stated "I can". The learning outcomes for every unit: contextualised explanations; opportunities to practise grammar and to practise ... |
"Oxford Grammar for Schools" gives students the opportunity to explore grammar for themselves and encourages them to be aware of their progress through regular self-evaluation and review. As students activate their grammar through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, they activate their English. Covers all the grammar students need to know for the Cambridge exams Approximately 30 units per level - the right length for one academic year Clearly stated "I can". The learning outcomes for every unit: contextualised explanations; opportunities to practise grammar and to practise ... |
"Oxford Grammar for Schools" gives students the opportunity to explore grammar for themselves and encourages them to be aware of their progress through regular self-evaluation and review. As students activate their grammar through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, they activate their English. Covers all the grammar students need to know for the Cambridge exams Approximately 30 units per level - the right length for one academic year Clearly stated "I can". The learning outcomes for every unit: contextualised explanations; opportunities to practise grammar and to practise ... |
Singing Grammar is part of the Cambridge Copy Collection. It is a resource book of supplementary materials for the teaching of grammar through the medium of song. It contains eighteen songs, each with a specific grammar focus, and is suitable for students from elementary to intermediate level. For each of the songs there is a clear page of teaching notes followed by a motivating song worksheet, a grammar exercise page and a fun grammar game for classroom use. The material is especially suitable for younger learners but could also be used successfully with adults. Contains: songs specifically written for different age ... |