Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell. We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that's barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe - at least ... |
Shortlisted for the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books. ... Life's Greatest Secret is the story of the discovery and cracking of the genetic code. This great scientific breakthrough has had far-reaching consequences for how we understand ourselves and our place in the natural world. The code forms the most striking proof of Darwin's hypothesis that all organisms are related, holds tremendous promise for improving human well-being, and has transformed the way we think about life. Matthew Cobb interweaves science, biography and anecdote in a book that mixes remarkable insights, theoretical dead-ends and ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big – in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A spaceship crashes on a strange planet. The only survivor, Mary Mount, is taken prisoner by an alien civilization. In time she is allowed to return to her old planet with some of her new friends. But when they arrive back at her home, the plan seems to have changed. And Mary doesn't receive the welcome she expects. ... |
Това, което човечеството е научило в миналото за творението, е това, което съществуванието не е - и в това е парадоксът! ... Пробуди се и осъзнай, че всеки човек ще изгради своето тяло от светлина, независимо дали това ще стане сега или по-късно. Възнесението не е запазена територия за Буда или Христос или за многото други Учители - това е твое рождено право. Твоята съдба не е сведена до боготворене на това съвсем начално ниво, наречено Възнесение, а те води към неговото директно преживяване! Буда и Христос ще бъдат първите, които ще признаят това. Махатма е за тези, които са мотивирани да намерят отговори, които ... |
Скот Пилгрим успя да забие две момичета. Когато е с Найвс Чау, се чувства сякаш може да изтрие миналото си и да започне отначало. Когато е с Рамона Флауърс, усеща, че е готов да преглътне всичко, да порасне и да продължи напред. Но както всички зрели връзки, Рамона си пристига с багаж - в нейния куфар се спотайват седем зли бивши гаджета, които се появяват едно по едно, за да предизвикат Скот за правото да излиза с нея. Какво ще се случи, когато Рамона и Найвс се срещнат? И какво става, когато добавим и екс-изгората на Скот? Как ще действа той? Кое момиче ще избере? И защо, о, защо миналото не може да си остане минало? ... |
Всичко е перфектно! Скот Пилгрим си живее идеално - на 23 е, свири в рок група, "търси си работа" и излиза със сладка гимназистка. Всичко е просто супер, преди побъркващата и опасно отракана куриерка на "Амазон" - Рамона Флауърс, да започне да кръстосва сънищата му със своите ролери и да го подминава на купони. Само че пътят към сърцето на госпожица Флауърс не е обсипан с цветя и рози - между Скот и истинското щастие стоят седемте зли бивши гаджета на Рамона. Дали Скот ще победи лошите и ще спечели момичето, без да съсипе може би незначителния си, но все пак безценен живот? Ще се смеете и ще плачете. ... |
Създайте здрава основа за работа с "Adobe Illustrator CC" като следвате удобните проекти за създаване на емблеми, илюстрации и плакати. Научете се как да използвате инструмента "Shaper" и "Live Shapes" заедно с динамични символи, за да подсилите създаването на графики. Създавайте елементи от Web сайтове и ги експортирайте в различни формати за поддържане на модерни реагиращи дизайни за Web. От уточняването на илюстрации до по-свободни рисунки, ще получите жизнено важни умения в Illustrator, докато преминавате през уроците. Най-бързият, най-лесният и най-задълбочен начин за усвояване на Adobe ... |