He`s the one, she loves to hate. ... NEMESIS [n]: a long-standing rival; an arch-enemy; a person's undoing; Joshua Templeman. Lucy Hutton, baker-of-cakes, exemplary assistant and professional "nice girl", is waging war. She's got the whole office on her side - except for tall, dark and charmless Joshua Templeman. He's been nothing but hostile since the moment they met and now it feels like nothing matters as much as taking him down. Trapped together under the fluorescent lights, they become entrenched in an addictive rivalry. There's the Staring Game, The Mirror Game, The HR Game. Lucy ... |
"The book is intended for use by Cl+ users of the English language and in this case University students. It may be assumed that the students will have the background knowledge of the subject Political Science before they use this book. The book is intended as a course book giving them, the students, practice in using all aspects of the English language, Speaking, Use of English, Reading, Listening and Writing. The purpose of the book from the student perspective should be a tool which they can use to enhance their learning experience. This I believe is something that the writer tried to do. Students need to have a ... |
Цялото разнообразие на медицинската лексика е представено в 62 урока. Книгата включва теми като симптоми, болести, изследване и лечение, проучване и превантивни мерки и представя основната медицинска лексика, свързана с частите и функционирането на тялото, медицински персонал, образование и тренинг, проучване и презентации. Към изданието е включен ключ с верните отговори към упражненията от уроците. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За ... |
And my toaster is taking over the world... By the winner of the waterstones children's book prize. Cover artwork by Robin Boyden. ... Luke’s dad has bought a lot of gadgets recently and not one of them works as it’s supposed to. Maybe it’s because a machine-from-the-future is stalking Bromley, playing havoc with all the tech and trying to stop Star Lad going on a date. Could this be the Rise of the Machines? Luke knows what he must do - he just needs his fellow SCARF members to help, or it will be the end of everything... ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Pilot Don Radcliffe returns to Australia hoping to rescue a failed marriage and to spend more time with his daughter, Judy. But a routine cargo flight in an old DC4 airplane turns into tragedy when the plane crashes in the Australian Outback killing the co-pilot. Don and Judy's chances of survival seem slim as they struggle against sabotage, unscrupulous businessmen and the inhospitable landscape. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Talk in the local pub is of strange deaths of sheep and rumours of the return of the legendary Beast of Brynmawr. Susie and Charlie are taking a break from work in London and renting a cottage in Brynmawr, where events grow stranger and stranger until it becomes clear that it is Susie the beast wants. ... |
A Beginner's Giude. Should we believe in God? Do we need God in order to explain the existence of the universe? Do we need God in order to be good? In twelve chapters that address some of the most profound questions human beings confront, Dawkins marshals science, philosophy and comparative religion to interrogate the hypocrisies of all the religious systems and explain to readers of all ages how life emerged without a Creator, how evolution works and how our world came into being. For anyone hoping to grapple with the meaning of life and what to believe, Outgrowing God is a challenging, thrilling and revelatory ... |
Taking inspiration from high fashion, couture and street style, integrated for an ultimately wearable collection encompassing a multitude of lengths and shapes. Classic cuts are wig-like qualities with expanded width, whilst vigorous texture created by elaborate layering techniques achieves a rebelilious, DIY (Do it yourself) finish to the hair. Colour highlights catwalk inspired trends and palettes, reminiscent of the 90's "grunge generation". Simple techniques make strong statements in a variety of vintage hues clever futuristic undertones. An innovative collection of strong cut and colour choicesm ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A hot summer and a holiday by the sea: Stephen and Anna Martins are escaping their stressful lives in London, and taking a holiday in the south-west of England. They make friends with a local fisherman, but when Stephen is called back to London for work, Anna is left alone for a few days. And then something happens which changes their lives for ever. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Oft-copied but never bettered, Jane Austen's "Emma" is a remarkable comedy of manners that follows the charming but insensitive Emma Woodhouse as she sets out on an ill-fated career of match-making in the little town of Highbury. Taking the pretty but dreary Harriet Smith as her subject, Emma creates misunderstandings and chaos as she tries to find Harriet a suitor, until she begins to realize it isn't the lives of others she must try to transform. Gorgeously illustrated by the celebrated Hugh Thomson, this "Macmillan Collector' ... |
Want to know the best way to thwart the ghost that haunts your local convenience store? Or how to crack a top secret code? Find out in this jam-packed guide featuring tips, activities, and the show's trademark quirky humor. From Dipper's advice on how to handle the supernatural, to unlocking codes and ciphers, to taking Mabel's fun quizzes, this imaginative guide is sure to be a hit with fans of the show! This hardcover book in the best-selling Guide to Life format features 160 pages of hilarious journal entries, full-color images, and a double-sided pull-out poster! The book is part of a series Gravity ... |
Mr Jones of Manor Farm is so lazy and drunken that one day he forgets to feed his livestock. The ensuing rebellion under the leadership of the pigs Napoleon and Wellington leads to the animals taking over the farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organized to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges. "Animal Farm" - the history of a revolution that went wrong - is George Orwell's brilliant satire on the corrupting influence of power. ... |