Поредицата "Grandes Personajes" разказва за живота и делото на известни испаноговорящи личности. Историите са допълнени от интересни факти, илюстрации и упражнения. ... |
Поредицата "Grandes Personajes" разказва за живота и делото на известни испаноговорящи личности. Историите са допълнени от интересни факти, илюстрации и упражнения. ... |
The main purpose of the book Mathematical Handbook is to present school Students, applying to Mathematical Colleges and Universities, candidates for SAT I and SAT II, Students of Mathematics, Computer sciences, Economics, Engineering, Physics and other sciences full information on mathematics concepts, formulas, graphs, axioms, theorems and tables. Moreover, this book is helpful to those Students who go to mathematics exams and competitions, where they can easily express their own ideas and thoughts by solving mathematical problems. Mathematical handbook is written according to the newest educational programs and ... |
Изработени от мукава кръглите табелки са един нов вид нестандартна картичка, с която да зарадвате любим човек на специалния му ден. С цветни дизайни, те ще донесат усмивки по всеки един повод, a златистите мотиви добавят блясък към всеки празник. Към всяка картичка има цветен плик, а на гърба могат да бъдат надписвани, което ги прави чудесно допълнение към вашия подарък. Имат и стойка с кукичка, с които могат да бъдат закачани или поставяни, за да радват притежателя си дълго време. ... |
The book is intended for the English language programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA), Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, including the professional school for computer programming and innovations in the city of Burgas."The subject matter of the Corporate and Financial Law Handbook is complex and multifaceted, proving that there is a need for joint studies, involving both lawyers and economists. The present Handbook is a good example of such a collaboration. The authors of the different chapters of the Handbook are experienced professionals in their field. In their analysis of ... |
The European Tax Handbook cover surveys os 47 countries and juridictions. For the 2008 edition, the book has been expanded by chaptersw on Armenia and Lichtenstein. The European Tax Handbook has evolved into the leading research product for tax specialists who require concise and clear descriptions of tax systems in Europe. As suchq coverage of Canada and the United States of America will no longer be included in the European Tax Handbook. We continue to cover these North American countries on a far more detailed level in IBFD's latest product the North America Tax Handbook. In this new productq the systems of Canada, ... |
Review Study Questions and Laboratory Manuals - a Clinical Approach. ... Handbook of Biochemistry for Dental Medicine Students. Review Study Questions and Laboratory Manuals - a Clinical Approach is a useful tool for student's preparation for the colloquia and the final examination. This handbook is a companion to the biochemistry course included in the curriculum of dental medicine students. Its aim is to aid the students when mastering theories, techniques, methodologies as well as during practice classes. The material focuses on the most important theoretical aspects. ... |
"Solid building materials and elements such as building facade components have not only architectural-structural functions, but they are to be guards against environmental attacks on the thermal and moisture comfort of inhabited premises: if necessary, impacts should be let through; or they should be reflected or accumulated. However, the facade structural elements undergo the following impacts: solar radiation; wind load; variation of the outdoor air temperature; effects of neighbouring buildings; effects of the environmental landscape; reflection or accumulation of solar radiation followed by secondary ... |
Fourth Revised Edition for the Entrance Tests at Medical University of Varna. ... A Handbook of Biology and Chemistry Test Items is specifically intended for applicants, interested in the programmes of Medicine and Dental Medicine taught in English language at MU-Varna. It is an essential tool for proper preparation for the entrance tests in Biology and Chemistry. In the Handbook you will find examination questions in two parts - Chemistry and Biology. Each part contains 5 sections (Multiple Choice Questions, Gap-Filling Questions, Matching Questions, True / False Questions and Definitions and Explanations). The keys ... |
This handbook is in line with the curriculum of the discipline Propaedeutics with Clinical-Laboratory Diagnostics. It presents in detail the plan for the study of various types of sick animals, which is illustrated with rich original photo material. The handbook is intended for students of veterinary medicine, but it can be used by practicing veterinarians as well as by all students in similar fields and majors. ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. Съставител: Станимир Йотов. ... Интерактивно помагало за изучаване на английски език за средно ниво и напреднали. Новаторски и динамичен метод за самообучение. Това иновативно помагало е насочено към всички, които изучават английски език. То съдържа списъци с интригуващи въпроси, разделени в тематични групи, през които можете да преминавате сами или с помощта на свой познат. Това е най-простият и лесен начин: да упражните езиковите си умения; да съчетаете приятното с полезното; да говорите на английски свободно и естествено; да учите чужд език в собствения си дом; ... |
This handbook is a humble contribution and modest attempt to provide a comprehensive teaching guide in dermatology and venereology to English-educated medical, dental and pharmacy students in Bulgaria. Ultimately, it may be a useful tool for all Board-preparatory specializing dermatologists. ... |