Прави всичко по-лесно! ... Разкрийте тайните на системите за управление на бази от данни с това забавно и полезно ръководство за SQL. В SQL се крие една тайна, и когато я разкриете, тогава ще можете много лесно да създавате релационни бази от данни и да получавате и записвате информация от тях. Тук ще научите как да структурирате една система за управление на бази от данни чрез SQL, как да реализирате дизайна, как да защитите данните си, как да ги достъпвате и работите с тях, как да поддържате вашата база от данни, и много други неща, използвайки най-новата версия на SQL. Да се върнем към основите на данните - научете ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Elementary" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Beginner" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Upper Intermediate" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Intermediate" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Advanced" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Student's book Premium Pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Centre" and online workbook. "Open Mind Pre-intermediate" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and ... |
"It is well know to all how much daily problems the Bulgarian people has in these days. However, more dangerous than anything is the tendency to loose identity and national selfconfidence. This is a clearly visible tendency in the inscriptions of foreign languages, mass emigration and the wish for imitation of foreign culture. At other side, the answer to the question, "Why are you ashamed to call youself Bulgarian?" is more than obvious: there is in the present time to be proud of. The above-described situation makes preservation and popularization of Bulgarian History extraordinarily important. If it ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Бързият начин да научите Windows 10. Към изданието са включени файлове за упражнения, които могат да бъдат изтеглени. ... Ученето вече е лесно. Правете повече неща и по-бързо в Windows 10. Прескачайте на местата, където са търсените от вас отговори. Стегнати уроци и екранни снимки ви показват точно какво да правите, стъпка по стъпка. В книгата: открийте забавни и функционални опции в Windows 10; работете с новите подобрени стартово меню и стартов екран; научете различните методи за вписване; накарайте Cortana, личният асистент, да работи за вас; управлявайте вашия онлайн списък за четене и анотирайте статии с ... |
Единствената разлика между успеха и провала. От автора на бестселъра на "Ню Йорк Таймс" - "Ако не си първи, си последен". ... Ако преследвате големи цели, не трябва да се задоволявате с обикновености. За да постигнете следващото ниво, трябва да разберете желаното 4-то ниво на действие. Това 4-то ниво, също познато като "Правилото 10X", е нивото на действие, което ще гарантира на компаниите и отделните индивиди постигане на техните цели и стремежи. Научете се да определяте количеството усилия, необходими, за да си гарантирате успех и да сте сигурни, че ще продължите да оперирате при тези ... |
Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed spirits, but he soon learns that the best way to do it is to slowly lose his humanity and become one himself! In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna's body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural! In order to regain use of his crippled body, Kokichi ... |
Broke young man + chainsaw dog demon = Chainsaw Man! Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive a harsh world. After being killed on a job, Denji is revived by his pet devil-dog Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous - Chainsaw Man! Having been forced to kill a friend, Denji finds that his brain has turned to mush from despair. Without the motivation to keep going, he seeks help from Makima. But Makima is not what she appears, and Denji's pain is only just beginning. ... |