The Black Death is sweeping through Europe. In Florence, plague has carried off one hundred thousand people. In their Tuscan villas, seven young women and three young men tell tales to recreate the world they have lost, weaving a rich tapestry of comedy, tragedy, ribaldry and farce. Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron recasts the storytelling heritage of the ancient and medieval worlds into perennial forms that inspired writers from Chaucer and Shakespeare down to our own day. Boccaccio makes the incredible believable, with detail so sharp we can look straight into the lives of people who lived six hundred years ago. ... |
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"Laurent spoke slowly. If your husband was dead, we could be happy together. If... If he was dead, Therese repeated. She looked down at her lover. Her eyes looked very dark in her pale face. Sometimes, people die suddenly, she said." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of Emile Zola; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at There are exercises at the end of the book. Included ... |
Retold by John Escott. ... The men and the woman in this book - William Tell, Tom Blood, Lord Bao, King Matthias, Johnny Appleseed, and Lady Godiva - are all real people from history. But every time someone tells an old story, they change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not? Read all six of the stories, and see what you think. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series makes ... |
Illustrated by Peter Richardson. ... Private detective, Lenny Samuel, is hired by a Hollywood film studio. Someone has been making death threats against Gail Lane, a beautiful young film actress, and the studio boss asks Lenny to protect her. Lenny joins the film crew on location in Hollywood, Buenos Aires and Istanbul as he tries to stay out of trouble and solve the case. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including exercises and points for understanding answer ... |
The Uncover Class Audio Program CDs include the complete audio program to support listening comprehension. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education™, Uncover features stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity, while a wealth of guided, step-by-step language building activities and personalized learning tasks lead to greater fluency. ... |
#1 New York Times bestselling author. ... Soldier. Summoner. Saint. For Alina Starkov, time is running out. The Darkling rules from his shadow throne while she, broken by their previous battle, is under the dubious protection of the zealots who worship her as a saint. And as Alina convalesces she must also battle her conflicted feeling for the Darkling and her beloved Mal. Her last hopes lie with the magic of a long-vanished ancient creature and the chance that an outlaw prince still survives. As her allies and enemies race toward war, only Alina stands between her country and a rising tide of darkness that could ... |
Доц. д-р инж. Иван Чавдаров работи в Института по роботика към БАН, а през 2017 г. става щатен преподавател в катедра Мехатроника, роботика и механика на Факултета по математика и информатика, СУ Св. Климент Охридски. Има над 70 статии в страната и чужбина, 10 патента за изобретения в областта на роботиката. Преподавал е в ТУ - София по проектиране на роботи и синтез, кинематика и динамика на роботи. Участва в проектирането на множество манипулатори и роботи за леярската промишленост. От три години активно се занимава с моделиране на роботи и механизми с 3D принтер. Част от разработките намират приложение в ... |
Учебна система „The English Ladder“ Учебната система „ The English Ladder “ е разработена за ученици от 1. до 4. клас и осигурява първи успешни стъпки в английския език. Тя се състои от 4 нива, които покриват знания на ниво А1 според Общата европейска езикова рамка. Всяка от четирите части осигурява 70-150 учебни часа. С преминаването на второ и трето ниво от системата учениците ще придобият знания за сертификатния тест Cambridge YLE: Starters. Материалите от ниво 4 подготвят за Cambridge YLE: Movers. Учебник Системата е подходяща за паралелки, които имат от 1 до 3 часа седмично английски език. ... |
Posters present the vocabulary and help practise classroom routines. Учебната система по английски език Pippa and Pop - ниво 3 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка тетрадка за писане книжка за четене книга за учителя флашкарти постери Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Face your fears, fight the battle. Emberfall is crumbling fast, torn between those who believe Rhen is the rightful prince and those who are eager to begin a new era under Grey, the true heir. Fight the battle, save the kingdom. With war looming, Harper struggles to help Rhen find a path to peace. Meanwhile, Lia Mara, newly crowned queen of Syll Shallow, begins to question if she can be the ruler her country needs. As the two kingdoms come closer to conflict, loyalties are tested, love is threatened and an old enemy resurfaces in this stunning conclusion to bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer's Cursebreaker ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... "Ladybird" has published fairy tales for over forty-five years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. This classic version of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is based on the original "Ladybird" retelling by Vera Southgate, with beautiful new illustrations of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. An essential part of any child's bookshelf, "Ladybird Tales" are perfect for sharing together and creating memories to treasure ... |
Flashcards are a key element for this age group as they make connections orally and visually with the vocabulary in English. The classroom games and group activities with flashcards ensures you never run out of resources to motivate young learners and effectively organise their time. Учебната система по английски език Pippa and Pop - ниво 3 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка тетрадка за писане книжка за четене книга за учителя флашкарти постери Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |