140 години педагогическо образование във Враца. ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is the second book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is a textbook designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of proficiency in English (according ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Lesson one of the scholomance. Enter a school of magic unlike any you have ever encountered. There are no teachers, no holidays, friendships are purely strategic, and the odds of survival are never equal. Once you're inside, there are only two ways out: you graduate or you die. El Higgins is uniquely prepared for the school's many dangers. She may be without allies, but she possesses a dark power strong enough to level mountains and wipe out untold millions - never mind easily destroy the countless monsters that prowl the school. Except, she might accidentally kill all the other students, too. So El is trying ... |
Изданието представя типични за днешното социално време и пространство интердисциплинарни визии и практики без претенции за концептуална изчерпателност, пределна стилистична прецизност или аспектна достатъчност. В този смисъл Антологията би следвало да се възприема като първа стъпка в проследяването на концептуалната и практическа еволюция на неформалното образование през вековете и до днес. ... |
The monograph Education 4.0 and innovative techniques in teaching attempts to present the latest models and techniques of teaching, as well as the challenges facing higher education institutions in a COVID-19 pandemic. Given the specifics of the subject, the publication will be useful for professionals in the field of teaching accounting and finance at universities, and for all who are interested in the problems of innovative teaching methods. Assoc. Prof. Nadya Velinova-Sokolova, PhD, is a lecturer in the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminisration, Sofia University St. ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Юбилеен сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на професор доктор на науките Стела Дерменджиева на издателство УИ Св. св. Кирил и Методий. ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Юбилеен сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на професор доктор на науките Стела Дерменджиева на издателство УИ Св. св. Кирил и Методий. ... |
The number one bestseller revised and expanded. ... This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, "The Personal MBA" by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever. An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it. Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business education. Feted by everyone from the business media to Seth Godin and David Allen, he's torn up the ... |
The Orthodox Christian Religious Education Association (OCREA). Proceedings of the conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 - 21 June 2014. ... The Orthodox Christian Religious Education Association (OCREA) is an international organization that has as its focus to maintain a thematic and academic network between the institutions and colleagues who deal with Orthodox Christian research and education. It was founded in 2006 at Valamo Monastery in Finland. The articles in this volume were presented at a conference on "Methods of Teaching in Religious Education: Learning by Heart or by Experience?" held in Sofia, ... |
За деца на 6 - 7 години. ... Програмната система "Play and Talk with Echo" е предназначена за ранно чуждоезиково обучение на деца от предучилищна възраст. При разпределение на учебното съдържание се спазват принципите за цикличност и спираловидно разработване на тематичните области, които във всеки следващ модул се затвърдяват, разширяват и задълбочават, следвайки закона за многократно увеличен учебен материал. Системата дава свобода на учителя да упражни своята лична преценка и да взима решения така, че да приспособи материала към особеностите на всяка група. Учебното съдържание е разработено съгласно ... |
Тетрадката е предназначена за упражнение на учениците в 1. клас, както и за децата в III група и IV предучилищна група на детската градина. Помагалото е подходящо за деца на възраст от 5 до 9 години. ... |