300 въпроса от историята на клуба. ... Дойде ред и на Манчестър Юнайтед! По-страстните и ревниви фенове на гранда може би ще потърсят сметка защо отборът с най-много титли в Англия чак сега се сдобива с подобна книга-куиз. Е, освен трофеите, които са безспорна константа, във футбола има и временно класиране и все някой трябва да е по-напред от другия. Но едно е сигурно - Юнайтед е сред световните клубове, които гордо могат да претендират, че притежават най-богатите истории и традиции. Имат толкова много легенди, толкова много имена, които по един или друг начин дори са променяли посоката на световния футбол! Впечатляващо ... |
Modul 3: Language and Culture. Modul 4: Language Practice."Dear students, Congratulations! As school leavers you have embarked on thhe road to mastering your Englishh proficiency. We do believe that Destination English will be of great help in this process. The course book closely follows the syllabus for the 12th grade for level B1.1. The book consists of two parts, each one respectively devoted to Module 3 Language and Culture, and Module 4 Language practice. Module 3 will reveal to you the world of Englishh-speaking countries and important aspects of their geography, history, political structure and institutions. ... |
This textbook is designed for students taking a university degree in International Relations (IR), European Studies (ES) and Political Science (PS) at Bulgarian universities, including the University of National and World Economy (UNWE). Another potential target group of users are students majoring in journalism, law or management who need to understand and express key concepts in politics, economics and international relations. Students with an advanced level of proficiency in English will gain most benefit from this textbook. The latter has been graded as advanced level, considering that a basic prerequisite for ... |
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. 40th Anniversary Edition. ... "The works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are monuments of transience. Gigantic in scale, they are always temporary, created to exist only for a limited time and to leave unique, unrepeatable impressions. From the smallest of the Packages made in Paris in the early 1960s, to the delicate pattern of hundreds of branches embraced by a translucent fabric veil... in Christo and Jeanne-Claude's works there is nothing abstract, nothing imagined; it is all there - corporeal and tangible." Lorenza Giovanelli Part biography, ... |
Everybody knows about the United States of America. You can see its films, hear its music, and eat its food just about everywhere. Cowboys, jazz, hamburgers, the Stars and Stripes - that's the United States. But it's a country with many stories to tell. Stories of busy cities, beautiful forests and parks. Stories of a country that fought against Britain, and then against itself, to make the United States of today. Stories of rich and poor, black and white, Native American and immigrant. And the story of what it is like to be an American today... Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers ... |
With its 1,050 years old history, the Rila Monastery is one of the oldest sacred places in Bulgaria. Having survived the Byzantine and Turkish Yokes, and as UNESCO has declared it monument of world culture, it has not accidentally been called “the soul of the nation”. An attempt has been made to outline some of the first bulgarien architekton Alexi Rilets’s achievements in the formation of the architectural aspect of the Rila Monastery during its renovation (1816-1819) and restoration after the fire (1833). These can be seen in four aspects: The construction of the exterior façade as a monumental fortress, The ... |
Учебното помагало по история и цивилизации е предназначено за учениците от 9. клас на профилираните гимназии с интензивно изучаване на английски език. То е съобразено със спецификата на преподаването на учебните предмети на чужд език в българското училище. Неговите основни предимства са: компетентен превод и редакция, направени от носител на езика, специалист по история и културология; текстовете на темите са намалени по обем и адаптирани спрямо езиковото равнище на учениците; към темите са предложени откъси от писмен исторически източник, подходящи за анализ; въпросите и задачите, съобразени с езиковите умения на ... |
Учебното помагало: е предназначено за ученици в 9. клас на паралелките с интензивно изучаване на английски език; следва съдържанието на профилирания учебник по предмета; съдържа адаптирани текстове за усвояване на новите знания и понятия на английски език към всеки урок; включва упражнения за затвърдяване на съответната лексика и практическото овладяване на езика. Към всеки от уроците има кратък терминологичен речник. Всеки урок е представен на две страници с помощта на ясен алгоритъм: кратък адаптиран текст за новите знания; английско-български речник на имената и понятията; разнообразни задачи за ... |
An English-language edition of History of Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations. Published in 2005, the book traces back and documents the historical development of Bulgaria's diplomatic relations and the institutions engaged in its foreign policy. The English edition was published by the Bulgarian Bestseller publishing house. History of Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations is authored by Maria Mateeva, and Peter Konstantinov has edited and updated it. ... |
"To Reuturn to Your Father's House" contains poems by Dimcho Debelyanov, selected and translated by Christopher Buxton. Christopher Buxton is a novelist and translator of Bulgarian literary texts into English. From 1977 onwards he has been an active advocate for Bulgarian culture in the United Kingdom. This work was recognised in 2015 by an award and medal from The Bulgarian Ministry of Culture. Dimcho Debelyanov, whose life was ended by a British sniper's bullet on the Doiran Front in 1916, deserves a place alongside fellow poets Wilfred Owen and Isaac Rosenberg. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. United by the theme of the circle, these stories are set in the UK, the USA and Singapore. From the discovery by a student archaeologist of a mysterious silver disc with strange properties to the heart-warming story of the rescue of a dangerously ill child by a poor tri-shaw driver, this collection of five stories is both amusing and thought provoking. ... |
His debut album has already gone platinum. His YouTube videos have received over 10 million hits. He's sung for the president of the United States. His screaming fans have stormed TV studios and shut down shopping malls. Justin Bieber is a global superstar and now, for the first time ever, he's going to tell all in his very own book. In this book, Justin tells the story of his amazing journey from small-town schoolboy to global superstar. Stunningly designed and jam packed full of exclusive unseen photos of Justin on and off stage, plus private captured moments, the awesome story of Justin's phenomenal ... |