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The histor(iograph)ical turn of analytic philosophy -

The histor(iograph)ical turn of analytic philosophy

Blagovest S. Mollov

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  14.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Has the proverbially "a(nti)-historical" analytic philosophy taken a "historical turn" as some analytic "insiders" have heralded recently? In this densely argued and extensively referenced book, Blagovest Mollov argues that it has not, mainly because the only relatively determinate meaning the term can be given derives from a dubious and equally vague "historicist" perspective. Outside, and even within, the latter, the author holds, what has come to be discussed as "the historical turn (of analytic philosophy)" is neither historical nor a turn, in the sense other " ...
Търсене на: Zograph Продукти 1-1 от общо 1
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