С повече от 40 подвижни елемента и многопластови илюстрации. Човешкото тяло е толкова сложно устроено, че на изследователите били нужни векове, за да разкрият тайните му, и все още продължават да правят нови открития. Тази уникална книга ще ви разкрие някои от тях. Разгърнете страниците с многопластови илюстрации, повдигнете подвижните елементи и разгледайте отвътре различните органи на човешкото тяло, за да разберете как са устроени и как работят. Илюстрации: Гейл Армстронг. ... |
Надникнете в изумителния свят, който се крие под кожата ви! С магическата лупа вижте как е устроено човешкото тяло и разгледайте някои от основните му органи - от костите и мускулите до сърцето и белите дробове. Илюстрациите са дело на Адам Хаулинг. Книгата е част от поредицата Разгледайте отвътре с магическата лупа на издателство Фют. ... |
You're fast asleep, and nothing is happening. Or is it? In fact, your body is hard at work. Your lungs are taking oxygen from the air, and your heart is pumping blood round your body. Millions of pieces of information are travelling backwards and forwards to your brain all the time. Muscles are repairing themselves, and in your lymph nodes special cells are cleaning germs and waste from the body. You may think that nothing is happening, but in the extraordinary machine that is the human body, it is very busy indeed... Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library ... |
Авторите предлагат разнообразие от теми, близки до света на съвременните ученици, които провокират интереса им и ги мотивират да развиват и задълбочават познанията си. Учениците са предразположени да изразяват личното си мнение, да участват в последващи дискусии и да надграждат знанията и уменията си. Голяма част от съдържанието е конкретно насочено към разширяване на общата култура, обогатяване на знанията за света и културните различия в отделните негови части, както и към развиване на чувството за толерантност към различията. Като част от съдържанието на учебника са и текстове, представящи информация за традициите, ... |
This fresh approach to the perennially popular Questions & Answers format takes a sideways look at all that is wild, wonderful and downright weird about the human body. Brilliantly humorous illustrations and playful text reveal the amazing answers. Find out why cells are so special, how blood circulates, and what happens inside your intestines. ... |
This book serves as a study guide and source of practice questions for the Pathophysiology final exam. It is suitable for students from the Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy faculties. This book is organized in two parts. Part One, General Pathophysiology, presents the cellular and tissue responses common to altered health states. Pathophysiology of the disease, organized by human body systems, is presented in Part Two, Systemic Pathophysiology. ... |
The present textbook is intended for the students with a Master's educational qualification degree and doctoral students. It introduces the basic morphological knowledge about the human body and human anatomy, which is necessary for the completeness of their education. The intent of this textbook is not to teach clinical practice, but to guide you in learning and appreciating the anatomy of the human body, the anatomical language and principles that will be needed in your medical career. The textbook helps to make anatomy rational, interesting and directly applicable to the clinical problems encountered in medicine ... |
Those who have it already speak Bulgarian! ... "Bulgarian for English Speakers" is a brand new self-study book specially designed to meet the needs of anybody intending to learn Bulgarian well in a short time. Whoever you are - a student, a businessperson or a visitor to the country, this book is for you. "Bulgarian for English Speakers" contains all the knowledge that you need, emphasizing on real-world tasks. The book includes many dialogues and other texts specially created to help you speak and be understood. It develops your vocabulary systematically and also covers all the required grammar skills. ... |
Atlas d'anatomie humaine et de chirurgie. Atlas der menschlichen anatomie und der Chirurgie. Multilingual Edition: English, French, German. ... We owe a great debt to Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery (1797 - 1849) for his Atlas of Anatomy, which was not only a massive event in medical history, but also remains one of the most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated anatomical treatises ever published. Bourgery began work on his magnificent atlas in 1830 in cooperation with illustrator Nicolas Henri Jacob (1782 - 1871), a student of the French painter Jacques Louis David. The first volumes were published the following ... |
For desperate learners and inspired teachers. ... This book is unique, because it is: know how for learning and teaching English language; a practical guide; it has clear and simple explanations; easy to use; full of how to learn tips; full of how to teach tips; a you can do it book; can be used by anyone teaching or learning English; a proved methodology for teaching English as a second language. Помагалото "Recipe for teaching" е предназначено да се ползва заедно с приложението "Методиката на Зорница Драгостинова". ... |
Language barriers in the healthcare can lead to misunderstandings and/or errors, especially when circumstances require health care workers to speak a language other than their own mother tongue. That is why good communication skills are at the core of the modern optometric practice. The present textbook is customized to prepare undergraduate and postgraduate students for a large variety of patient encounters in their clinical practice in English as the universal language of professional communication. Originally designed by the authors for medical opticians, this comprehensive book is highly recommended for those who ... |
From the eccentric museum La Specola in Florence comes this amazing collection of waxworks depicting human anatomy in all its dazzling complexity. A selection of wax bodies and body part and organ studies from the museum's collection is presented here; from skeletons to vein structures, organs to nerves, and arteries to the delicate pores of the skin, the human body is mapped out in meticulous and exacting detail. Texts explaining the human anatomy in layperson's terms and exploring the historical and cultural significance of the wax figures complete this total body experience. This book is from the Bibliotheca ... |