Колодата Кралско Таро издига оригиналното издание на Тарото на Марчети до нови висоти на артистична жизненост и гадателска сила. Тази колода ви кани да изследвате духовната енергия, която вплита своята магия в живота ви. Вдъхновените интерпретации на символиката и архетипите на Таро на художника Чиро Марчети водят до ценни прозрения за разгръщането на съдбата. С карти без рамки, по-богати цветове и стилен нов дизайн, колодата запазва мощната си четивност с по-съвременен вид. Следвайки стила на Тарото на Уейт и изобилстващо от средновековни магьосници, жрици, императори и рицари, Кралското Таро ще продължи да ... |
A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook Cards. ... We are surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. Among them are the Angels and Ancestors. In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us. In this empowering 55-card oracle deck, Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based spiritualities bridge the gap between this world and the next. The Angels and Ancestors know what ... |
From the artistic genius and esoteric research of Fabio Listrani, an important deck, obscure and very rich in symbolism, which transposes with its dark atmospheres the esoteric and kabbalistic thought of Aleister Crowley and the other great masters of the occult. This deck moves the deep waters of the sea of the human unconscious, in search of the light that is hidden even in the darkest abyss. Artwork by Fabio Listrani. 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet included. ... |
А 78-Card Deck and Guidebook. ... This 78-card tarot deck is a healing tool and guide to explore both the light and shadow sides of our nature. By reimagining the traditional tarot archetypes and symbols in a contemporary, boho, and intuitive style, "The Light Seer's Tarot" expresses the light and shadow sides of our natures and explores the lessons that can be learned from both. The expressive characters who live within the landscapes of the cards tell stories, ask questions, and provide guidance. This deck is an ideal companion as you seek to uncover the places in your life-and in yourself-that are most ... |
You don't have to use your imagination to feel the power of alchemy and magic - they are potently available in the elements that surround you! Our ancestors harnessed the powers of earth, air, fire and water and north, south, east and west; these have been key parts of pagan and witchcraft traditions for millennia, and now it's your turn! Modern science has revealed active energies such as electricity, gravity, magnetism, atoms and even the mysterious dark matter, all of which can be utilised spiritually in alchemic magic within this oracle. All energies from the smallest atom to the greatest solar power, from ... |
The mysteries of the tarot come to vivid life in this gorgeous deluxe card deck that features a colorful and distinctly modern take on this ancient card game and divining tool. This brilliantly colored Tarot deck and instruction booklet will lead you to increased self-knowledge and enlightenment. The lavishly illustrated cards portray the major and minor arcana and can also be used for traditional card games. ... |
A gorgeous deck of fully functional tarot cards based on traditional tarot iconography, illustrated with an erotic twist by Sofie Birkin. Her bold characters and bright, playful images prioritize inclusive representation, encourage daydreams, and above all aim to empower. The fully illustrated cards are luxuriously packaged in a gift box with a 28-page booklet that explains how to interpret the cards and conduct your own readings. Gain insight into what lies ahead and which opportunities to watch for, along with a fresh perspective on your love life. ... |
Всеки аспект от нашето съществуване може да се разбира като проход, отвор, врата. Любов, негодувание, приятелство, успех, провал, раждане, смърт... Картите в тази колода са 78 врати, физически и метафорични, способни да ни осигурят ключа към най-важната врата, тази на нашата душа. Броя на картите е 78. Размерите на една карта са 6.6 x 12 cm. Към тях има и инструкции на английски, италиански, испански, френски и немски език. ... |