English Plus поставя равен акцент върху развитието на четирите основни езикови умения - всяка единица съдържа четене, писане, слушане и говорене. Новият материал е представен както в контекста на урока, така и отделно в табличка. Учебната тетрадка следва материала от учебника и осигурява разнообразни допълнителни упражнения за работа в клас и у дома. Учебната система по английски език за 5. клас се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя 3 CD с аудиоматериали Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Super Minds Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |
An additional and optional component for students that practises both language and skills, with teacher and parent notes also available. This component has been updated for the second edition to include speaking and listening, in addition to reading and writing pages. Учебната система по английски език Super Minds - ниво 1 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя помагало флашкарти постери Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Super Minds Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |
Super Minds Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |
Super Minds Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |
An additional and optional component for students that practises both language and skills, with teacher and parent notes also available. This component has been updated for the second edition to include speaking and listening, in addition to reading and writing pages. Учебната система по английски език Super Minds - ниво 2 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя помагало флашкарти постери Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Super Minds Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |