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The new erotic photography

Dian Hanson

The new erotic photography - Dian Hanson - книга
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Цена:  49.90 лв.
Доставка заСофияИзбери друго населено място
Цена за доставкаДо автомат на BOX NOW: 4.00 лв.
До офис на Еконт: 5.60 лв.
До адрес: 4.90 лв.
Опция прегледДа, при всяка доставка до адрес или офис.
Дати за доставка03‑04‑2025 г. или 04‑04‑2025 г.
 Основни параметри:
НаличностДа, на склад при доставчик - време за доставка 2 дни 
Физически е наличен при доставчик на Времето за обработка на заявките е 2 - работни дни.
Издадена2017 г.
За възрастНад 18 години
Тегло1.100 kg
The new erotic photography - Dian Hanson - книга

The new erotic photography

Dian Hanson

Цена:  49.90 лв.
Доставка заСофияИзбери друго населено място
Цена за доставкаДо автомат на BOX NOW: 4.00 лв.
До офис на Еконт: 5.60 лв.
До адрес: 4.90 лв.
Опция прегледДа, при всяка доставка до адрес или офис.
Дати за доставка03‑04‑2025 г. или 04‑04‑2025 г.
 Основни параметри:
НаличностДа, на склад при доставчик - време за доставка 2 дни 
Физически е наличен при доставчик на Времето за обработка на заявките е 2 - работни дни.
Издадена2017 г.
За възрастНад 18 години
Тегло1.100 kg
In 2007 "Taschen" released The New Erotic Photography, followed in 2012 by The New Erotic Photography 2. Each book featured hundreds of fresh and provocative images from the world's most intriguing erotic talents. Now the best of both books is available in The New Erotic Photography, featuring 62 photographers from 10 countries, exploring the global variations of erotic photography, as well as the evolution of photographic media over the last decade. We see film give way to digital, while those who persist with film are as likely to use Polaroids and primitive cameras like the Lomo and Holga as traditional SLRs.

The featured photographers include new names Gregory Bojorquez, Jo Schwab, Tomohide Ikeya, Frédéric Fontenoy, Andrew Pashis, and Jan Hronsky, as well as established artists Guido Argentini, Bruno Bisang, Eric Kroll, and the late Bob Carlos Clarke. Several outstanding women are also featured in this edition, including erotic film star Kimberly Kane, digital pioneer Natacha Merritt, heavy metal skateboarder Magdalena Wosinska, self-portraitist Jody Frost, and cover artist April-lea Hutchinson. It all adds up to an awful lot of nudes for a tantalizingly low price.

This book is from the series "Bibliotheca Universalis".
Eros times two
Erotik wiederbelebt
Erotic continuum
Robert Adler
Markus Amon
Paul Dominique Angier
Guido Argentini
Brooks Ayola
Marc Baptiste
Bruno Bisang
Matthew Blum
Gregory Bojorquez
Lisa Boyle
Bob Carlos Clarke
BT Charles
James Christopher
Barney Cokeliss
Michael Dowson
Liz Earls
Frédéric Fontenoy
Ed Fox
James Fredlund
Jody Frost
Perry Gallagher
Evgeny Goncharov
Alejandra Guerrero
China Hamilton
Aaron Hawks
Petter Hegre
Ján Hronsky´
Julian Humphries
April-Lea Hutchinson
Tomohide Ikeya
Kimberly Kane
Richard Kern
Chas Ray Krider
Eric Kroll
Vlastimil Kula
Chase Lisbon
Florian Lohmann
Mark Yann Serge Maggiori
Aeric MeredithGoujon
Natacha Merritt
Maki Miyashita
Jonathon Narducci
Dave Naz
Beatrice Neumann
Sakiko Nomura
Andrew Pashis
George Pitts
Collin J. Rae
Giovanni Battista Sambuelli
Will Santillo
Jo Schwab
Tony Stamolis
Jeremy MF Thompson
Cyril Torrent
Andry A. Tych
Mariano Vargas
Chad Michael Ward
Yasuji Watanabe
Chip Willis
Magdalena Wosinska
Рейтинг: 8.00 / 1 глас 
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