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Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Phantom of the Opera

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Phantom of the Opera - книга
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Цена:  24.90 лв.
Доставка заСофияИзбери друго населено място
Цена за доставка2.60 лв.
Опция прегледДа, при всяка доставка до адрес или офис.
Дати за доставка08‑03‑2025 г., 10‑03‑2025 г. или 11‑03‑2025 г.
 Основни параметри:
НаличностДа, на склад при доставчик - остават единични бройки при доставчик 
Наличност в единични бройки, възможно е скорошно изчерпване.
Издадена2007 г.
ИздателствоOxford University Press
Тегло0.100 kg
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Phantom of the Opera - книга

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Phantom of the Opera

Цена:  24.90 лв.
Доставка заСофияИзбери друго населено място
Цена за доставка2.60 лв.
Опция прегледДа, при всяка доставка до адрес или офис.
Дати за доставка08‑03‑2025 г., 10‑03‑2025 г. или 11‑03‑2025 г.
 Основни параметри:
НаличностДа, на склад при доставчик - остават единични бройки при доставчик 
Наличност в единични бройки, възможно е скорошно изчерпване.
Издадена2007 г.
ИздателствоOxford University Press
Тегло0.100 kg
Based on the story of Gaston Leroux. Retold by Jennifer Bassett.
It is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has black holes for eyes. Everybody is afraid of the Phantom - the singers, the dancers, the directors, the stage workers... But who has actually seen him?

Finalist of The Language Learner Literature Award 2004.

Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR.

Word count: 6.230
Рейтинг: 8.75 / 4 гласа 
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Книги от Jennifer Bassett
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 3 (B1): Through the Looking-Glass - книга

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 3 (B1): Through the Looking-Glass

Oxford University Press
Цена:  25.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Based on the story of Lewis Carroll. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... "I wish I could get through into looking-glass house," - Alice said. 'Let's pretend that the glass has gone soft and... Why, I do believe it has! It's turning into a kind of cloud!" By the book A moment later Alice is inside the looking-glass world. There she finds herself part of a great game of chess, travelling through forests and jumping across brooks. The chess pieces talk and argue with her, give orders and repeat poems... It is the strangest dream that anyone ever had... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. ...
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 2 (A2/B1): Red Dog - книга

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 2 (A2/B1): Red Dog

Oxford University Press
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Based on the story of Louis de Bernieres. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Red Dog was a Red Cloud kelpie, an Australian sheepdog. His life was full of excitement and adventure. He travelled all over Western Australia, and never really had an owner. But he had many, many friends, and he always knew where to go for a good meal. Louis de Bernieres collected these stories about the life of a real dog in Western Australia. They are all true stories - some are funny, some are sad, but all are unforgettable. Everybody should have a friend like Red Dog. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and ...
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 5 (B2): The Accidental Tourist - книга

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 5 (B2): The Accidental Tourist

Oxford University Press
Цена:  26.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Based on the story of Anne Tyler. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Everyday life in Baltimore, USA, is full of problems - getting the washing done, buying groceries and dog food, avoiding the neighbours... After the death of his son and the departure of his wife, Macon's attempts to run his own life become increasingly desperate - and more and more odd. Meanwhile, he has to get on with his work, writing tourist guides for business people. Then his dog Edward starts to bite people, and he has to send for Muriel, the dog trainer. And day by day, Macon's life gets more and more complicated. Classics, modern fiction, ...
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings - книга

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings

Oxford University Press
Цена:  24.90 лв.
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Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Horseracing is the sport of kings, perhaps because racehorses are very expensive animals. But when they win, they can make a lot of money for the owners, for the trainers, and for the people who put bets on them. Silver Blaze is a young horse, but already the winner of many races. One night he disappears, and someone kills his trainer. The police want the killer, and the owner wants his horse, but they can't find them. So what do they do? They write to 221B Baker Street, of course - to ask for the help of the great detective, Sherlock ...
Книги от Гастон Льору (Gaston Leroux)
The Phantom of the Opera - книга

The Phantom of the Opera

Gaston Leroux

Collector's Library
Цена:  25.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Strange things are going on at the Paris Opera House; a mysterious phantom - a skeleton in dinner dress - is wreaking havoc amongst the singers and backstage staff. But when new managers take over and dismiss the rumours of the Opera Ghost, the terror really begins. Who is the curious figure stalking the stage at night? How can he be in so many places at once, entering and leaving locked rooms at will? And what is his connection to the beautiful and talented young soloist, Christine? "The Phantom of the Opera" is perhaps best known for its many ...
Книги от поредицата Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2)
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): A Little Princess
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Wizard of Oz
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hachiko. Japan's Most Faithful Dog
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Sherlock Holmes and the Duke's Son
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Книги от Jennifer Bassett
Книги от Гастон Льору (Gaston Leroux)
The Phantom of the Opera
Gaston Leroux
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  25.90 лв.
Закупилите тази книга, купуват също
Headway - ниво Elementary: Учебник по английски език Fifth Edition - книга

Headway - ниво Elementary: Учебник по английски език : Fifth Edition + онлайн материали

John Soars, Liz Soars, Paul Hancock

Oxford University Press
Цена:  57.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Each Student's Book provides 12 topical units with familiar Headway structure and integrated skills methodology. New vibrant photography unit openers use questions to engage learners with the unit topic and video introductions provide overviews of the content included. New and updated reading texts focus on topics and themes that students can relate to and demonstrate a specific language point. Access codes in the front of the Student's Books provide learners with 30 hours of Online Practice per level here. Online Practice lets students look again at Student's Book language they want to revise or they missed ...
Headway - ниво Elementary: Учебна тетрадка по английски език Fifth Edition - книга

Headway - ниво Elementary: Учебна тетрадка по английски език : Fifth Edition

John Soars, Liz Soars, Jo McCaul

Oxford University Press
Цена:  34.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Workbook: Provides additional activities for further practice that are specifically tailored to fit with the Student's Book content; Includes extension activities with extra grammar and vocabulary exercises related to the unit topic to extend learning; Everyday English tasks present further opportunities to practice relevant, real life English; Review sections allow students to test themselves and to see how much they can remember. The answer key allows students to check their own answers and review their progress. Тетрадката се предлага в два варианта: с отговори - 96 стр. без отговори - 88 стр. ...
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition + едногодишен достъп до онлайн материали - книга

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition + едногодишен достъп до онлайн материали

Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  142.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
"Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" е най-продаваният речник за напреднали в света за изучаващите английски език. 10 -то издание на "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" (OALD) е пълно ръководство за изучаване на думите в английския език с помощта на дефиниции, които учащите могат да разберат, примерни изречения, показващи употребата на думите в езика, и новите списъци с думи "Oxford 3000™" и "Oxford 5000™", които всеки учащ трябва да научи. OALD е повече от речник. Изведете вашите умения по английски език на следващото ниво с допълнителни ресурси и практики, ...
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - книга

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Oxford University Press
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Based on the story of Mark Twain. Retold by Nick Bullard. ... Tom Sawyer does not like school. He does not like work, and he never wants to get out of bed in the morning. But he likes swimming and fishing, and having adventures with his friends. And he has a lot of adventures. One night, he and his friend Huck Finn go to the graveyard to look for ghosts. They don't see any ghosts that night. They see something worse than a ghost - much, much worse... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the ...
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