"Dear students,На страниците на изданието има код за достъп до електронния вариант на продукта.
Congratulations! As school leavers you have embarked on thhe road to mastering your Englishh proficiency. We do believe that Destination English will be of great help in this process.
The course book closely follows the syllabus for the 12th grade for level B1.1. The book consists of two parts, each one respectively devoted to Module 3 Language and Culture, and Module 4 Language practice.
Module 3 will reveal to you the world of Englishh-speaking countries and important aspects of their geography, history, political structure and institutions. You will also learn about some of their traditional and modern customs, iconic films and musicians, significant landmarks. You will have the opportunity to read and discuss extracts from British and American literature grouped thematically. All along, you will be promoted to probe deeper into the cultural values, beliefs and practices of the target cultures and compare them with those of your own.
Module 4 will engage you in recycling and building on what you have already acquired in terms of English vocabulary, phonetics, morphology and syntax in a meaningful context. You will be able to explore different main ideas and specific details, to interpret the author's opinion and the characters'/ speakers' intentions, to evaluate the use of certain linguistic means, etc. You will have ample opportunities to apply a variety of receptive and productive strategies, which will help you to understand various types of texts, and to become more fluent in speaking and writing in English. You will be engaged in individual, pair and group tasks while exploring English as a means of self-expression, communication in and out of the classroom and, last but not least, academic, career and life development.
By learning more about the English language and the cultures behind it you will get equipped withh multiple lenses to look at the world around you. We wish you an awesome learning journey with Destination English. Best wishes as you to the college or university of your choice!"
The Authors
Учебната система Destination English - ниво B1.1 по английски език от издателство Клет България се състои от:
- учебник - модул 1 и 2
- учебник - модул 3 и 4
Настоящото издание е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г.
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