Twelve-year-old Jim Hawkins sails with the Squire Trelawney to search for Captain Flint's treasure. But Long John Silver is on board The Hispaniola and he and his friends want the treasure for themselves. The story of Jim's adventure has been popular with young readers since it was first published in 1883. ... |
Лежерният самоучител за учащи с начални познания покрива нивата A1 - A2. Поредицата "Самоучител в разкази за начинаещи" съдържа забавни, романтични, криминални - кратки разкази за всеки вкус, с които да проверите себе си и да разширите познанията си. С помощта на граматичните правила и разнообразните упражнения затвърждавате наученото. Отличен избор за всеки, който обича книгите и предпочита да учи езика, без да зубри правила. ... |
Тетрадката с упражнения включва многобройни допълнителни упражнения по лексика и граматика, обобщава най-важните думи и изречения на края на всеки урок и съдържа цялата лексика от учебника в хронологичен ред. Учебната система geni@l klick - ниво A2 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя тетрадка с упражнения помагало с тестове Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
This collection contains fifteen of O. Henry's short stories. "The Gift of the Magi" is the most famous of his classic tales, but the stories that follow here give the reader a deeper and richer sample of O. Henry's storytelling art. The text has been simplified and made easier to read for the enjoyment of readers who study English. It is appropriate for intermediate to advanced learners. О.Henry (1862 - 1910) was a widely popular American short story writer, famous for his dry humor, wordplay and clever surprise endings. "O. Henry's finest work... reveal such a depth of understanding of the ... |
Illustrated by John Dillow and Peter Harper. ... "I knew that I was hundreds of miles from the places merchant ships went. I was sure that I was going to die on this lonely island, completely alone. When I thought about this the tears ran down my face. I felt sorry that I had been born." From the Book The young Robinson Crusoe ignores his father's advice and decides to become a sailor. But Crusoe is soon caught up in violent storms and finds himself shipwrecked on a remote island. He will have to live on this island for the next twenty-eight years. This book is in British English. Here you can find: ... |
The year is 1547. In London, two boys from different families live very different lives. One is Edward Tudor, a prince and the future King of England; the other is Tom Canty, the son of a thief. One day they meet and their lives change forever. What happens when the two boys wear each others clothes? Why does the prince need the help of a poor man? Who becomes king when Henry VIII dies? And how can a beautiful gold object save the prince? Mark Twain's classic story of two young boys who swap lives has the answers. "A few minutes later, Tom was wearing the prince's expensive clothes and the hat with purple ... |
Интерактивният вариант на учебната система на DVD-ROM включва учебника, учебната тетрадка, ръководството и аудиозаписите от ниво A1.2. Учебната система "Wir Neu - Ниво A1" се състои от: учебник + CD (A1) учебна тетрадка (A1) учебник и учебна тетрадка + CD (A1.1) учебник и учебна тетрадка + CD (A1.2) DVD-ROM (A1) DVD-ROM (A1.1) DVD-ROM (A1.2) ръководство за учителя Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Retold by Judith Dean. ... In a city in Arabia there lives a boy called Aladdin. He is poor and often hungry, but one day he finds an old lamp. When he rubs the lamp, smoke comes out of it, and then out of the smoke comes a magical jinnee. With the jinnee's help, Aladdin is soon rich, with gold and jewels and many fine things. But can he win the love of the Sultan's daughter, the beautiful Princess Badr-al-Budur? Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR. Word count: 5.240 ... |