The main purpose of the book Mathematical Handbook is to present school Students, applying to Mathematical Colleges and Universities, candidates for SAT I and SAT II, Students of Mathematics, Computer sciences, Economics, Engineering, Physics and other sciences full information on mathematics concepts, formulas, graphs, axioms, theorems and tables. Moreover, this book is helpful to those Students who go to mathematics exams and competitions, where they can easily express their own ideas and thoughts by solving mathematical problems. Mathematical handbook is written according to the newest educational programs and ... |
The present book is devoted to students of the last school grades, university students, teachers, lectures and all lovers of mathematics who want to enrich their knowledge and skills in complex numbers and their numerous applications in Euclidean Geometry. Few countries in the world include complex numbers in their secondary school curriculum but even if included the volume of the corresponding content is quite insufficient consisting of elementary operations and geometric representation at most. Mainly, the book will be useful for outstanding students with high potentialities in mathematics preparing themselves for ... |
The second volume contains Obrechkoffs works in one of the most actively elaborated regions of investigations in the classical analysis in the 20th century. Deep results for the summation of the Taylor, Dirichlet, Fourier and Laplace series by means of the classical method of Riemann, Cesaro, Riesz, Euler-Knopp, Borel, Mittag-Leffler and Hausdorff are included. For the first time is studied the summation of Taylors series of a function, holomorphic at the origin, at points on the boundary of its Borels polygon of summation. An absolute summation by typical Riesz means is introduced and applied to the classical Dirichlet ... |
Книгата е втора част от учебника по надеждност, предназначен за студентите в техническите университети. Тя съдържа значителните лекции на уводния курс, които са разширени по начин да се ползват и при самостоятелно четене и обхващат надеждността на сложните системи, надеждностните модели, осигуряването на надеждността през възпроизводствения процес, изпитванията по надеждност и препоръки по проектирането на надеждни изделия. Заедно с първата, тази част по обем е достатъчна за навлизане в надеждностната проблематика и за придобиването на знания, нужни за бъдещо задълбочено изучаване на надеждността при проявен интерес или ... |
Двуезично издание на английски и на немски език. In honour of the 100 th anniversary of the birth of Academician Ljubomir Iliev. ... Most of the works of Academician Ljubomir Iliev, included in this volume, are in the regions of the classical Complex Analysis intensively investigated during the last century and being still actual. The concern the zero-distribution of entire functions defined by means of Fourier transforms, singular points and analytical non-continuous ability of Taylor and Dirichlet series, and the theory of univalent functions. They are remarkable for the originality of author's ideas and their ... |