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Oxford Primary Skills - íèâà 3 è 4: CD ñ àóäèîìàòåðèàëè

Helen Casey, Tamzin Thompson

Oxford Primary Skills - íèâà 3 è 4: CD ñ àóäèîìàòåðèàëè - Helen Casey, Tamzin Thompson - ïðîäóêò
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Öåíà çà íîñèòåë - CD:  29.90 ëâ.
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Èçäàäåíà2010 ã.
ÈçäàòåëñòâîOxford University Press
Òåãëî0.100 kg
Oxford Primary Skills - íèâà 3 è 4: CD ñ àóäèîìàòåðèàëè - Helen Casey, Tamzin Thompson - ïðîäóêò

Oxford Primary Skills - íèâà 3 è 4: CD ñ àóäèîìàòåðèàëè

Helen Casey, Tamzin Thompson

Öåíà çà íîñèòåë - CD:  29.90 ëâ.
Äîñòàâêà çàÑîôèÿÈçáåðè äðóãî íàñåëåíî ìÿñòî
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Èçäàäåíà2010 ã.
ÈçäàòåëñòâîOxford University Press
Òåãëî0.100 kg
With engaging texts and topics to develop reading and writing skills, Oxford Primary Skills is the perfect partner for any course. It builds up reading skills through a wide variety of texts students want to read including websites and magazines. The supportive writing tasks give students the opportunity to write 'real' texts about themselves such as emails and diary entries.

And there's optional vocabulary for every chapter.
  • Broad range of text types, with a particular focus on real-world topics;
  • Thorough, systematic development of reading sub-skills;
  • Step-by-step writing tasks with a clear outcome;
  • Vocabulary section in each unit builds on words students meet in their coursebooks;
  • Accompanying Audio CD, plus online notes and support for teachers.

Ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê "Oxford Primary Skills - íèâî 3" ñå ñúñòîè îò:

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Ó÷åáíèöè îò Tamzin Thompson
Bright ideas - íèâî 1: Ðàáîòíà òåòðàäêà ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê - ïðîäóêò

Bright ideas - íèâî 1: Ðàáîòíà òåòðàäêà ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè

Tamzin Thompson, Cheryl Palin

Oxford University Press
Öåíà:  62.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ñðåä íàé-èíòåðåñíèòå â
Bright Ideas Level 1 provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. Activity Book provides carefully scaffolded writing activities and even more reading texts so that students can put the language they learn into practice; ten pages of activities per core unit are followed by ten pages of Cambridge English external exam preparation material; includes extra grammar practice for each unit with eight grammar reference pages; the online Practice motivates students to connect with English outside the classroom through ...
Ó÷åáíèöè îò Helen Casey
Bright ideas - íèâî 6: Ó÷åáíèê ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê - ïðîäóêò

Bright ideas - íèâî 6: Ó÷åáíèê ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê

Katherine Bilsborough, Steve Bilsborough, Helen Casey

Oxford University Press
Öåíà:  39.90 ëâ.
How do we learn things? How does nature affect us? What can we predict about the future? With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas Level 6 offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics. Using Big Questions to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the real world and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration. The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital ...
Oxford Primary Skills - íèâî 3: Ó÷åáíèê ïî àíãëèéñêè åçèê - Helen Casey - ó÷åáíèê
Öåíà:  21.90 ëâ.
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