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The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Tim Peake

The Astronaut Selection Test Book - Tim Peake - книга
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ИздателствоPenguin Books
The Astronaut Selection Test Book - Tim Peake - книга

The Astronaut Selection Test Book

Tim Peake

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Издадена2019 г.
ИздателствоPenguin Books
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Tim Peake and The European Space Agency. Real Puzzles and Training Exercises.
Do you have what it takes? This book will help readers of all ages find out.

Featuring 100 real astronaut tests and exercises from the European Space Agency’s rigorous selection process, ranging from easy to fiendishly hard, "The Astronaut Selection Test Book" goes where no puzzle book has gone before.

Including puzzles and tests on:
  • visual perception and logic;
  • mental arithmetic and concentration;
  • psychological readiness;
  • teamwork and leadership;
  • survival, physical and medical skills;
  • foreign languages (every astronaut has to know Russian!).

This richly illustrated book draws on Tim Peake's first-hand experience of applying to be an astronaut in 2008, when he and five others were chosen - out of over 8,000 applications!

We’ve all dreamed of being an astronaut, though of the estimated 100 billion people who have ever lived, only 557 people have travelled to space. But with this unprecedented look into real astronaut selection, you might just find out your dreams can become reality...
"Exhilarating... A brain work-out on steroids."
BBC Sky at Night Magazine

"Everybody, get this book - it's a fascinating read."
Chris Moyles

"Such a good idea."
Graham Norton
Страници от тази книга

Initialising test procedure
The selection process
Astronaut requirements
Astronaut training
Mission to Mars
Photo inset 1: Survival training, CAVES
Photo inset 2: Neutral Buoyancy Training, NEEMO, Centrifuge Training, Zero-g Training
Photograph credits
Рейтинг: 8.25 / 4 гласа 
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