This book presents the city and its capacity to produce a singular architectural experience by tracing its geography and dissecting its historical layers.
Architectural Guide Sofia catalogues not only monuments and sites overlooked by standard tourist guides, but also the city’s most recent buildings, highlighting innovative works by contemporary architects. It profiles 200 selected structures from different eras, explores the genesis of the local architectures, and analyses the architectural details born out of clashes of various stylistic influences. Maps, illustrations, and an extensive bibliography help readers and travellers experience the extraordinary diversity of Sofia’s built environment.
Георгий Станишев (роден през 1952 г.) е български архитект и архитектурен критик с международна известност, преподавател и завеждащ катедра "История и теория на архитектурата" в УАСГ. Освен в България, негови проекти, публикации и изложби са реализирани в Австрия, Великобритания, Германия, Гърция, Италия, Русия, САЩ, Франция, Япония и други страни.