Двуезично издание на английски и на немски език.
In honour of the 100
th anniversary of the birth of Academician Ljubomir Iliev.
Most of the works of Academician Ljubomir Iliev, included in this volume, are in the regions of the classical Complex Analysis intensively investigated during the last century and being still actual. The concern the zero-distribution of entire functions defined by means of Fourier transforms, singular points and analytical non-continuous ability of Taylor and Dirichlet series, and the theory of univalent functions. They are remarkable for the originality of author's ideas and their professional realization, as well as for the deepness of the corresponding results. The achievements of Academician Ljubomir Iliev are a real contribution to the Bulgarian scientific heritage.
Academician Ljubomir Iliev was an outstanding Bulgarian mathematician - one of the creators of contemporary Bulgarian mathematics. He had a leading role in developing actual regions of classical complex analysis: distribution of zeroes of entire Fountier transforms, analytical non-continuability and overconvergence of power and Dirichlet series, theory of univalent functions. His works are marked by a specific style, rich in new ideas remarkable by the elegance of results and the consistency of proofs.