Biodiversity of living things on earth and classification of humans in the living world
Structural organization of the human body
Epithelial tissue. Connective tissue
Muscle and nervous tissues
Exchange of substances
Food composition
Digestive system
Structure and functions of oral cavity and stomach
Structure and functions of intestines
Health knowledge and hygiene of the digestive system
Respiratory system
Structure and functions of the respiratory system
Respiratory movements and gas exchange
Health knowledge and hygiene of the respiratory system
Excretory system
Structure, functions and hygiene
Cardiovascular system
Heart and blood vessels
Blood circulation. Cardiac activity
Blood groups. Immunity
Health knowledge and hygiene of the cardiovascular system
Exchange of substances and energy metabolism
Musculoskeletal system
Structure of bone and joints
Skeletal muscles
Health knowledge and hygiene of the musculoskeletal system
Reproductive system
Structure and functions of male reproductive system
Structure and functions of female reproductive system
Fertilization and individual development
Health knowledge and hygiene of the reproductive system
Nervous system
General information about structure and functions of the nervous system
Reflex arc. Reflexes
Spinal cord
Higher nervous activity. Health knowledge and hygiene of the nervous system
Endocrine system
Pituitary gland and thyroid gland
Parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, Pancreas and Gonads
Regulation and homeostasis
Sensory systems
Visual sensory system
Visual system functions. Health knowledge and hygiene of the visual system
Auditory sensory system. Vestibular and kinesthetic sensory systems
Somatosensory, gustatory and olfactory sensory systems
Structure and function of the skin
Health knowledge and hygiene of the skin
Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the human
Chemical composition of living matter
Unity in chemical composition of nonliving and living matter. Chemical composition of the cell
Inorganic compounds
Lipids and carbohydrates
Nucleic acids
Supramolecular assemblies
Cell - basic unit of life
Cell theory
Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell
Cell membranes
Chromosomes and ribosomes
Cell organelles
Single-membrane bound organelles
Double-membrane bound organelles
Metabolic processes
Types of metabolism
Catabolic processes
Anabolic processes. Photosynthesis
Genetic processes
Cell division
Life cycle of a cell