+ 29 recipes. ... "Nine Rabbits" tells two stories, that of a six-year-old girl, and of her grown-up self: Manda grows up on the Black Sea coast during the height of socialism in the 1960s, raised by her tyrannical grandmother along with her young aunts and uncles. While Grandma Nikula wages open and covert wars with life, Manda lives out the adventures of her childhood under the shadow of her absent grandfather. Forty years later on, we find that same child has become a woman, now living in a democratic Bulgaria and racked by an identity crisis. Manda has swallowed up her tyrannical grandmother, turning that ... |
"Друг мой, задумьıвался ли тьı над тем как оно к нам приходит - то, что должно случиться? А оно приходит не сразу, постепенно созревая в круговерти сошедшего с ума ежедневия, переполненного ложью, абсурдом и преступлениями. Созревая, оно наливается неизбежностью, напирает изнутри себя в ничего не подозревающую явь и может неожиданно прийти сначала именно к тебе, через твою фантазию о будущем, потому, что ему нужьı вестоносцьı. Оно ищет таких как тьı, пожелавших остаться независимьıми, когда уже все вокруг принимают ложь за сущую провдю, абсурд за норму и не замечаюъ преступлений." ... |
Restart. Restart is a tale of a disaster and rebirth; of a sleepy Creator and the ways of humanity. One day, just like every other, a forgotten race awakens. Will the master put the world in ruins? Are people strong enough to stop him, just like they did twenty years ago and would this bring forth a greater good? Seven extraordinary minds, one strong government, a ruthless experiment, a hidden Ace, a father and a lost child - what unites their destiny, and who will win the war? Relith. Relith tells the story of an ordinary human...if you allow it to be so. An ancient legend is gaining access to a pragmatic metropolis. ... |
Long ago, Andrew made a childhood wish, and kept it in a silver box. When it finally comes true, he wishes he hadn't. Long ago, Ben made a promise and had a dream: to travel to Africa to volunteer at a lion reserve. When he finally makes it, it isn't for reason he imagined... Ben and Andrew keep meeting in unexpected places, and the intense relationship that develops seems to be guided by fate. Or is it? What if the very thing that drwas them together is tainted by past secrets that threaten everything? A dark, consuming drama that shifts from Zimbabwe to England, and then back into the past, "The Lion ... |
Doesn't everyone deserve their freedom? ... June's life at home with her stepmother and stepsister is a dark one - and a secret one. Not even her dad knows the truth. She's trapped like a butterfly in a jar. Then June meets Blister, a boy in the woods. In him, she finds a glimmer of hope that perhaps she can find a way to fly far, far away. But freedom comes at a price. A heart-breaking page-turner with a shocking twist. From the highly acclaimed author of "Seed". "It broke my heart over and over. Destined to be one of the most important books this year." Melinda Salisbury, author of " ... |
"The Third Chimpanzee" was first published in 1991 and has been in print ever since. This new, illustrated edition is aimed at a young readership. In it, Jared Diamond explores what makes us human and poses fascinating questions. If we share more than 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees, how is it that we can write, read, talk, build telescopes and bombs, while we put our speechless and bomb-less close relatives in cages and zoos? What can woodpeckers teach us about spacecraft? Is genocide a human invention? Why does extinction matter? Why are we destroying the natural resources on which we depend for survival? ... |