Traditionally, the text is considered to be the most ancient specimen of adventure literature, but a careful analysis discloses, that it is an esoteric text, which describes mechanisms for trespassing the Worlds, throws light on the nature of the deity and its world, and guides the human beings by instructing them as to how to conduct themselves under such extraordinary situations. And most importantly, the papyrus reveals the image of Egypt such as it appears in the eyes of the Egyptian and of the deity.
Sergei Ignatov was born in a beautiful town near Roman fortress on the bank of the Danube river. As a child he feels that his heart lays in the ancient times and after reading "Life of Alexander" by Plutarch he understood that he wants to be an egyptologist. He defended his doctorate in St. Petersburg and specialized in Oxford.
He founded the Egyptology in Bulgaria in 1985, starting the first university course. Since 1994 he has been introducing bachelor, master and doctoral education in Egyptology. Recently he has been working on the excavations of a tomb in Luxor, Egypt. He also currently works on The Image of the World of Classical Egypt and the Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramasses II.