Лежерният самоучител за учащи с начални познания покрива нивата A1 - A2. Поредицата "Самоучител в разкази за начинаещи" съдържа забавни, романтични, криминални - кратки разкази за всеки вкус, с които да проверите себе си и да разширите познанията си. С помощта на граматичните правила и разнообразните упражнения затвърждавате наученото. Отличен избор за всеки, който обича книгите и предпочита да учи езика, без да зубри правила. ... |
Goethes "Faust" (1808) ist das Menschheitsdrama par excellence: Die ungeheuerliche Suche nach dem, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält, führt auch den Gelehrtesten an die Grenzen des Verstandes. In "Der Tragödie zweitem Teil" (1832) verdichtet sich diese Suche zum Streben nach dem universellen, unverbrüchlichen Bündnis von Leben und Kunst. Bis heute besticht der "Faust" durch seine fulminante Kraft und Tiefe und seinen Rechtum an Bezügen. Zu Recht gilt die Tragödie als das bedeutendste Werk der deutschen Literatur. ... |
Hristo Hristov is an investigative journalist, documentarist. His book "Kill the Wanderer" is authentic and detailed investigation for the murder of the writer Georgi Markov by the Bulgarian State Security Service in London in 1978. The work is based on documents from a large number of secret archives. The revelations in the book have been quoted by a wide range of authoritative media agencies such as "Reuters", "Associated Press", "The Sunday Times" and many others. ... |
Двуезични разкази на френски и български език. ... "Поредицата "Contes bilingues" на издателство "Веси" е предназначена за читатели, които са все още начинаещи (I - II ниво) в обучението си по френски език. Тук оригиналният текст е следван паралелно от превод на български. Според наше вестникарско проучване от 2001 г. приказките на Шарл Перо са сред първите 5 книги, до които се докосва всяко подрастващо българче. Навярно и в останалите или поне в повечето европейски държави отношението към тях е подобно. Техният автор обаче съвсем не е предвиждал такова развитие на нещата, понеже в неговата ... |
The Shadow Market is a meeting point for faeries, werewolves, warlocks and vampires. It`s no place for Shadowhunters, but through twi centures a Silent Brother has visited. Brother Zachariah was once a Shadowhunter called Jem Carstairs and his love, then and always, is the warlock Tessa Gray. Now he is searching for a relic from his past. Follow Jem and see, against the backdrop of the Market’s dark dealings, Anna Lightwood’s doomed romance, Matthew Fairchild’s great sin and Tessa Gray as she is plunged into a world war. Valentine Morgenstern buys a soul and a young Jace Wayland finds safety. In the Market is hidden a ... |
A Magnus Bane Story. ... A beautiful gift edition of The Midnight Heir, taken from The Bane Chronicles. Magnus thought he would never return to London, but he is lured by a handsome offer from Tatiana Blackthorn, whose plans involving her beautiful young ward, Grace - are far more sinister than Magnus even suspects. In London at the turn of the century, Magnus finds old friends, and meets a very surprising young man. ... |
Jane Austen teased readers with the idea of a "heroine whom no one but myself will much like", but Emma is irresistible. "Handsome, clever, and rich", Emma is also an "imaginist", "on fire with speculation and foresight". She sees the signs of romance all around her, but thinks she will never be married. Her matchmaking maps out relationships that Jane Austen ironically tweaks into a clearer perspective. Judgement and imagination are matched in games the reader too can enjoy, and the end is a triumph of understanding. ... |
New York Times bestselling author of Six of Crows. A Grisha novel. ... When you can't beat the odds, change the game. Kaz Brekker and his crew have just pulled off the most daring heist imaginable. But instead of divvying up a fat reward,they're fighting for their lives. As old enemies and new rivals descend on the city, a war will be waged in the streets - a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the future of magic. "Ocean's eleven set in a Game of Thrones-esque world... electric prose." The Independent on Six of Crows ... |