What sport can teach us about great leadership? ... A winning mindset is a state of mental fluency that helps people to deliver their full potential, and is the key ingredient to long-term success. Nowhere is a winning mindset clearly on display than in the high-pressure environment of the sporting arena. Drowning on his own experience of working with some of the world's top coaches across multiple disciplines, Professor Damian Hughes distils the ingredients of successful teams, from FC Barcelona to the New Zealand All Blacks, down to five key elements to show how you can create and maintain a winning mindset to ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A plane crashes in the middle of the desert in Oman leaving a pilot and his family hurt and stranded. The pilot begins a journey across the desert to get help but collapses from exhaustion. He is found and taken to a nearby hospital but he is unconscious and no one has any idea who he is or where he has come from. Meanwhile time is running out for his wife and son who are waiting in the desert for help to arrive. ... |
Discover how a cosmic perspective can change everything. Why are we here? What gives us hope? How do we know? 101 exchanges with the most influential scientist on the planet."The most popular scientist in the world". Sunday Times "Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all." Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life ... |
Учи английски с Джастис, Питър и Боб. Криминална история за четене и слушане. ... Когато Джастис печели участие в популярна телевизионна игра "Who cracks the nut?", той не подозира, че правилността на отговорите му ще зависи не само голямата парична печалба, но и животът на дъщерята на водещия! Тя е отвлечена, а похитителите настояват да получат верни отговори на четири гатанки... Поредицата детективски истории "Трите???" включва 8 адаптирани книжки. Увлекателните истории на английски с превод на трудните думи ще заинтригуват учениците, а многобройните упражнения за работа с текст, английско- ... |
Treize poiitistes bulgares font part de leurs questionnements, reflexions et analyses. A travers leurs etudes, reunies ici, se profilent plusieurs facettes de la societe et de la vie politique bulgare. Ce volume a l`ambition de presenter au public francophone un panorama des sciences politiques en Bulgarie. ... |
Ivan Iltchev (ne en 1953) est professeur d’Histoire des peoples balkaniques a l’Universite Saint-Clement d’Ohrid de Sofia. Il a tenu des cycles de conferences a l’invitation des universities d’Ohio et Maryland (Etats-Unis) et de Chiba (Japon). Auteur des monographies: Histoire des relations internationales dans les Balkans aux XIXe et XXe s., Histoire de la propagande etrangere et Histoire de la publicite, entre autres. Ce livre n’est pas une oeuvre academique. Son objectif est de presenter au grand public une version contemporaine de l’histoire des terres bulgares, a la lumiere des recentes analyses et reflexions d’ ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... Близнаците Анди и Мери са на училищна екскурзия в Дъблин. Когато Мери открива, че са ѝ дали фалшива банкнота от 20 евро, тя мисли, че знае кой е фалшификаторът. Близнаците започват да разследват, но скоро става ясно, че фалшификаторът също знае кои са Анди и Мери. ... |
Leichte Krimis für Jugendliche in 3 Stufen. ... Moons Vater ist Journalist und hat viel zu wenig Zeit für seine Tochter. Aber diesmal hat er sehr viel Zeit und zusammen decken sie einen Skandal auf, der wirklich zum Himmel stinkt! Mit Illustrationen zur Erleichterung der Inhaltserschließung Mit landeskundlichen Anmerkungen und Worteklärungen Mit einem Übungsteil mit Aufgaben und Tests zum Textverstehen Книгата се предлага и във вариант със CD, което съдържа аудио версия на книгата. Книгата е подходяща за упражнение по четене и разбиране на текст, покриващи знания които отговарят на ниво A2 ... |