Q: What should we call this diet?
A: Call it the Bulgarian diet, call it Ivan D.'s diet, call it whatever you want, I don't care. My point is that a truly efficient diet must encompass one's entire lifestyle, not just this or that input and its ratio to the output. I just claim that some of your individual lifestyle's patterns can be contributing much more to your being fit and well than what and how much you eat. Indeed, I do claim that observing my Ten Golden Rules as strictly as possible warrants good health and fit body, and alleviates - actually makes completely obsolete - the need of counting calories and fearing weight gain.
Q: Your diet looks more like a combined Operations & Maintenance Manual of some piece of equipment, doesn't it?
A: Yes, it does: I am convinced that the interrelated issues of health, fitness and weight can be described as predominantly "hardware" associated problem and to a much lesser degree a consumables related concern.
Q: What about shedding weight, for a start?
A: Our body weight is a consequence and not a cause therefore it should not become a focus itself, a target of sort. When you are fit and healthy due to observing an optimal scheme including all aspects of life, your body will adapt its weight according to the optimum, given your specifics. How will you know it's the optimum? You will feel near perfect!
Q: Still, give us a hint on that feeling of "near perfect", as you seem to hold the key. What should we anticipate?
A: To start with, you will feel lighter, both in physical and spiritual terms. Your view on life will turn much more positive than ever before. You will embrace the optimism of the young even though you might be rather grown up. In the state of mind that I describe as nearing perfection nothing will seem impossible for you to achieve, and everything will look worthy the joy of staying alive.