Milko Kanazarski graduated in Geochemistry and Chemistry from St Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. In 1964 he became a research associate in the Geological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), where he worked until retirement as Senior Prof. in 2006, gaining his PhD in 1982, DSc in 1996. Between 1978 and 1985 he was Deputy head of Central Laboratory of Experimental and Technical Mineralogy of BAS. He leads the course in Wallrock Alterations for MSc students at the St. Ivan Rilski University of Mining and Geology in Sofia. He had the exceptional opportunity to specialize with one of the most outstanding representatives of the physicochemical school of metasomatic petrology, Academian D. S. Korzhinskii at the Russian Academy of Sciences and to work with his research team. The scientific interests of Milko Kanazirski are in the metasomatic petrology with an emphasis on physicocmeistry of the processes of wallrock alterations - physicochemical analysis of mineral paragenses, experimental modeling of mineral equilibria and metasomatic zoning and numerical modeling of metasomatic processes.