Unlock your potential for growth, creativity, and abundance with the energy of Beltane! Also known as May Day, Beltane honors life and is a celebration of passion and putting your plans into action. The Earth's energies are at their strongest and most active, where all of life is bursting with potent fertility. At this point in the Wheel of the Year, your potential can be unleashed. This is a beautifully designed book and card deck set. Each of the 44 cards in this oracle deck is a seed of spiritual guidance - inspired by ancient Beltane themes - to find answers to your most profound questions. The accompanying ... |
The Greek legend of Amor and Psyche is the first psychological tale of love. A tale of desire, fulfilment, pleasure and denial that takes place both in the inner world of the spirit as in the outer world of the flash. Love, after all, is a journey of joy and sorrow, to be lived with the body as well as the soul. 30 full colour cards whit dimensions 9 x 13 cm and instructions. ... |
You don't have to use your imagination to feel the power of alchemy and magic - they are potently available in the elements that surround you! Our ancestors harnessed the powers of earth, air, fire and water and north, south, east and west; these have been key parts of pagan and witchcraft traditions for millennia, and now it's your turn! Modern science has revealed active energies such as electricity, gravity, magnetism, atoms and even the mysterious dark matter, all of which can be utilised spiritually in alchemic magic within this oracle. All energies from the smallest atom to the greatest solar power, from ... |
Dragons are immensely powerful, creative, inquisitive and honourable beings, with enormous compassion and often a dry sense of humour. This ground-breaking oracle deck allows users to connect with 33 dragons, each with their own personality and way of helping us. Each of the 33 stunning cards represents one of the dragons, and an 80-page booklet profiles the dragons in detail, suggesting how to work with their energy. The Dragons are grouped in four clans: the Earth Walk Dragons, the empowering, who support us on our physical journey; the multi-dimensional Galactic Dragons, the connectors, who work out in the galaxies to ... |
A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook Cards. ... We are surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. Among them are the Angels and Ancestors. In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us. In this empowering 55-card oracle deck, Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based spiritualities bridge the gap between this world and the next. The Angels and Ancestors know what ... |
А 48 Card Deck and Guidebook. ... Manifesting with the Moon has never been easier! Discover how to use the Moon as a cosmic timer to create the life of your dreams. Supercharge your manifesting powers and find out how to consciously create positive change in your life with this magical 48-card oracle from bestselling Moonologer Yasmin Boland. Featuring beautiful cosmic collage imagery, each card explains what you're bringing into your life, and how and when to supercharge your manifesting powers to achieve what you most desire. This captivating oracle deck will: reveal the true answers to your questions show ... |
Noticing synchronicity - or random coincidences that strike us as meaningful - allows us to align our life path with the flow of the universe. This is the first-ever oracle to draw on the power of synchronicity to give you insight into your problems, answer your questions and highlight previously unconsidered patterns and potential pathways in your life. There are 57 hexagonal cards in the deck, each with 8 symbols, plus an 80pp booklet profiling each of the 57 symbols and giving instructions on how to use the cards. For instant insight, choose two cards at random and find the symbol that matches - there will only be one. ... |
A 70-card oracle deck-featuring female icons and otherworldly symbols-that aims to add spiritual insight and feminist guidance to your personal divination practice. If you seek wisdom from strong, creative women, this oracle deck-which features 30 prominent female writers from literary history-will give you what you seek. The female visionaries in this deck will inform answers to questions about your creative life and spiritual journey. In addition to the portraits of literary heroes, such as Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison, and lesser-known trailblazers, such as Yumiko Kurahashi and Mirabai, the deck features 40 symbol ... |
A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook. The energy of the Moon has a formidable effect on our everyday life. Use these gorgeously illustrated oracle cards to tap into Her ancient wisdom for healing, guidance and protection, and learn how to work with Her magical energy during each lunation. The accompanying guidebook reveals how to interpret the cards and work with them to create, plan and predict your life. Whenever you need to make an important decision, just pick a card and let the Moon guide you! Artwork by Nyx Rowan. ... |
Какво е посланието и значението на 11:11 и други поредици от числа. Ангелите са истински! И всички ние получаваме знаци от небесните пратеници, стига само да ги забележим. Те ни говорят чрез формата на облаците, с пухкавите перца по пътя ни, с внезапното усещане за нещо предстоящо, което изпитваме дълбоко в себе си, както и чрез поредиците от числа, които съзираме. Когато сте изправени пред трудно преодолима дилема или ви е нужен отговор на някакъв въпрос, потърсете решението с помощта на ангелските послания, които се разкриват чрез числата. В тази книга Кайл Грей, който от малък общува с Божествения свят, представя ... |
Get to know the simple, intuitive art of Lenormand with Cute Little Lenormand! This colorful, modern take on a classic divination deck is designed to spark inspiration, offer clarity, and even hint at what the future might hold. With a touch of whimsy and a generous splash of pink, author and illustrator Sara M. Lyons has given this historical card deck a contemporary makeover with bright, updated illustrations and inclusive language that invites everyone to see themselves in the cards. Cute Little Lenormand includes a comprehensive guidebook along with a complete 36 card Lenormand deck, so you can start working with the ... |
36 гадателски карти + ръководство. ... Подаръчната колода карти за гадаене на Мария Ленорман е прекрасен подарък за вас, приятелите и колегите ви. Картите на Ленорман ви дават: точни предсказания, възможност да избягвате грешките, шанс на оправдания риск, феноменална предвидливост. Мария Анна Аделаида Ленорман е ясновидка и гадателка, една от най-известните в Европа през XIX век. Салонът, в който се появявала тя, незабавно ставал популярен. Нейните предсказания търсели императори, учени, художници, дами от висшето общество и жени на богаташи. Притежавайки удивителен дар, мадам Ленорман виждала в картите обратите на ... |