Hunted. Hunter. Destined for each other. She is the very thing he's spent his whole life hunting. He is the very thing she's spent her whole life pretending to be. Only the extraordinary belong in the kingdom of Ilya... Red Queen meets The Hunger Games in this epic and sizzling fantasy romance not to be missed. The Elites have possessed powers for decades, gifted to them by the Plague, while those born Ordinary are just that, banished from the kingdom of Ilya and shunned from society. No one knows this better than Paedyn Gray, an Ordinary posing as a Psychic to blend in with the Elites. When she unsuspectingly ... |
The second book of The Powerless Trilogy. Adena and Paedyn have always been inseparable. Fate brought them together when they were young, but friendship ensured they'd always protect each other and the home they built in the slums of Loot. But now Paedyn - an Ordinary - has been selected for The Purging Trials, which means almost certain death. Now alone in Loot, Adena must fend for herself. After attempting to steal, it's a mysterious man from the market who comes to her rescue. Mak's shadowy past and secretive power set him apart from the other low-level Elites of Loot. And as the pair team up to see ... |
Ловец. Жертва. Обречени един за друг. Единствено необикновените имат място в кралство Илиа... От десетилетия Елитните притежават своите сили, придобити благодарение на Чумата, докато Обикновените са изолирани от обществото и прокуждани от кралството. Никой не е изпитал това на гърба си по-добре от Пейдин Грей, Обикновена, която се представя за Ясновидец, за да се слее с тълпата от Елитни. Когато Пейдин, без да подозира, спасява живота на един от принцовете на Илиа, тя е включена против волята си в Изпитанията на Прочистването - жестока, кървава надпревара, превърната в демонстрация на силата на Елитните. Ако ... |