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Адаптирани издания на английски език - A2

/ общо 115 продукта /
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 2 (A2/B1): John F. Kennedy
Anne Collins
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Grandes Personajes - ниво A2: Picasso. Las mujeres de un genio + CD
Laura Corpa
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona : Ниво A2: Apartamento en la Costa Brava + CD
Alicia Estopina, Neus Sans
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  19.90 лв.
Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): The Lost World
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  27.90 лв.
Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): Typhoon
Цена:  27.90 лв.
Giallo All'Italiana - ниво A2: Il kimono di Madama Butterfly + mp3 материали
Slawka G. Scarso
Цена:  26.90 лв.
Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): The Three Musketeers
Цена:  27.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hollywood
Janet Hardy-Gould
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Japan
Rachel Bladon
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Dominoes - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Housemates
Alison Watts
Цена:  26.90 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): 47 Ronin. A Samurai Story from Japan
Jennifer Bassett
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Grandes Personajes - ниво A2: Garcia Marquez. Una realidad magica + mp3 материали
Cecilia Bembibre
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  24.90 лв.
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Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 2 (A2/B1): John F. Kennedy -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 2 (A2/B1): John F. Kennedy

Anne Collins

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. More than fifty years ago, the new US President, John F. Kennedy, spoke these words. Millions of Americans listened, and they were filled with hope. With Kennedy as president, surely there was a great future ahead for their country. But Kennedy ...
Grandes Personajes - ниво A2: Picasso. Las mujeres de un genio -

Grandes Personajes - ниво A2: Picasso. Las mujeres de un genio + CD

Laura Corpa

Цена:  24.90 лв.
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Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Поредицата "Grandes Personajes" разказва за живота и делото на известни испаноговорящи личности. Историите са допълнени от интересни факти, илюстрации и упражнения. ...
Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona Ниво A2: Apartamento en la Costa Brava + CD -

Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona : Ниво A2: Apartamento en la Costa Brava + CD

Alicia Estopina, Neus Sans

Цена:  19.90 лв.
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Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Поредицата от книжки за четене "Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona" запознава с разговорния испански език. Изданията са подходящи за учащите над 18 г. и покриват нивата от A1 до B2. Без да цензурира жаргоните от ежедневието, всяка книжка проследява историята на младата жена Пепа Вила, която е таксиметров шофьор в Барселона. Кратките текстове описват забавните ситуации, в които Пепа постоянно се забърква. Те бързо грабват интереса на читателя и по достъпен начин представят особеностите на разговорния испански. В края на книжките има обяснителни бележки, които осигуряват поглед върху културата на Испания и описват ...
Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): The Lost World -

Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): The Lost World

Oxford University Press
Цена:  27.90 лв.
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Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text adaptation by Susan Kingsley. ... "You said that you wanted danger, didn't you?" says McArdle, the editor of the Daily Gazette. And he sends his young reporter, Malone, on a strange journey into South America with the famous Professor Challenger. Challenger believes he can find a lost world full of dinosaurs in the middle of the Amazon forest. But this world is dangerous to reach, and, once the Professor and his small group of explorers arrive, things get even more dangerous for them. Will they return alive? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive ...
Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): Typhoon -

Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): Typhoon

Oxford University Press
Цена:  27.90 лв.
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Based on the story of Joseph Conrad. Text adaptation by Tim Herdon. ... "There's some bad weather out there", Captain MacWhirr said to himself just before he sailed his ship, the Nan-Shan, into the middle of the most terrible storm in the South China Sea. The typhoon brings out the best in some men on the ship, and the worst in others. Can MacWhirr bring the ship through the storm safely? And what will happen to all the poor Chinese workers travelling home down in the ship's hold? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their ...
Giallo All'Italiana - ниво A2: Il kimono di Madama Butterfly -

Giallo All'Italiana - ниво A2: Il kimono di Madama Butterfly + mp3 материали

Slawka G. Scarso

Casa delle Lingue
Цена:  26.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Разследванията на капитан Росети. Капитан Росети е в Милано за романтичен уикенд. Но убийство на представление на "Мадам Бътерфлай" в "Ла Скала" прекъсва плановете на двойката. Престъпление от страст? Така изглежда... Адаптираната книга съдържа: граматика и речник на ниво A2; подробни бележки за езика и културата; оригинална и интригуваща история, чието действие се развива в Милано; разнообразни упражнения за практикуване на четене с разбиране, комуникация и лексика; отговори на упражненията. Аудио книгата с драматизация по текста е достъпна за безплатно сваляне в mp3 формат на сайта на ...
Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): The Three Musketeers -

Dominoes - ниво 2 (A2/B1): The Three Musketeers

Oxford University Press
Цена:  27.90 лв.
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Based on the story of Alexandre Dumas. Text adaptation by Clare West. ... It is the year 1627, and young d'Artagnan comes to Paris with a dream - to become a King's Musketeer. Three of these brave soldiers - Porthos, Athos and Aramis - soon become his friends. After a short time d'Artagnan has fallen in love and into great danger. Can the three musketeers and d'Artagnan fight against the evil plans of the beautiful Milady and the cruel Cardinal Richelieu? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With ...
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hollywood -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Hollywood

Janet Hardy-Gould

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Hollywood - nine big white letters against the Hollywood Hills. Every year millions of people come from all over the world and look up at this famous sign. Why do they come? They come to see the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to see the hand and foot prints outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They come ...
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Japan -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Japan

Rachel Bladon

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. What is Japan? It is everything new and modern: the Tokyo Sky Tree, 634 metres high; amazing cameras and phones; karaoke and manga; trains going past at 300 kilometres an hour. And it is everything ancient too: beautiful palaces; high mountains and hot springs; cherry blossom in the spring; quiet gardens with water and trees. ...
Dominoes - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Housemates -

Dominoes - ниво 1 (A1/A2): Housemates

Alison Watts

Oxford University Press
Цена:  26.90 лв.
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Chris leaves his home in a small town in Australia to go and study at the University of Sydney. He needs to find somewhere to live. But it's not easy to find a house to share in a big city. Every house has its problems, and not all of Chris's housemates are easy to live with. In fact, some of them are very difficult people! Can Chris find the house that he needs with housemates that he can live with? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the ...
Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): 47 Ronin. A Samurai Story from Japan -

Oxford Bookworms Library - ниво 1 (A1/A2): 47 Ronin. A Samurai Story from Japan

Jennifer Bassett

Oxford University Press
Цена:  24.90 лв.
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When Lord Asano drew his sword on Lord Kira one spring day in 1701, it began a story that is now a national legend in Japan. Lord Kira lived, but Lord Asano died, and after his death, his samurai became ronin, samurai without a master. And so began their long plan for revenge on Kira. Their loyalty to their dead master made him famous, and people in Japan remember them to this day. The story of the fortyseven ronin has been told and retold for 300 years - in plays, novels, and films. A major Hollywood film was made about the forty-seven ronin in 2013. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary ...
Grandes Personajes - ниво A2: Garcia Marquez. Una realidad magica -

Grandes Personajes - ниво A2: Garcia Marquez. Una realidad magica + mp3 материали

Cecilia Bembibre

Цена:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Поредицата "Grandes Personajes" разказва за живота и делото на известни испаноговорящи личности. Историите са допълнени от интересни факти, илюстрации и упражнения. Аудиозаписите са достъпни за безплатно сваляне от сайта на "Difusion". ...
Адаптирани издания на английски език - A2 Продукти 97-108 от общо 115
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