Ever heard of surrealist fine dining? This must-have reprint of Les diners de Gala reveals the exotic flavors and elaborate imaginings behind the legendary dinner parties of Salvador and Gala Dali. With recipes from such leading Paris restaurants as La Tour d'Argent and Maxim's, a special section on aphrodisia, and bespoke illustrations from Dali himself, this book is at once an artwork, a practical cookbook, and a delicious morsel of multisensory pleasure."Les diners de Gala is uniquely devoted to the pleasures of taste... If you are a disciple of one of those calorie-counters who turn the joys of eating ... |
"Единственото, което никога няма да е достатъчно на света, е скандалното.""Политиката е вицът на историята.""Уважаеми всякакви убеждения и най-вече онези, които са в противоречия с моите.""Чуждото мнение ми е безразлично. Единственото, което ме вълнува, е да се говори за Дали. Та дори и хубави неща.""Има една единствена разлика между луд и мен. Лудият си мисли, че е нормален. Аз знам, че съм луд."Салвадор Дали Салвадор Дали е испански художник, водеща фигура в сюрреализма. Създател е на знаменити произведения в живописта, бижутерията и сценографията, автор е на филми и ... |
At the age of six, Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) wanted to be a cook. At the age of seven, he wanted to be Napoleon. "Since then", he later said, "my ambition has steadily grown, and my megalomania with it. Now I want only to be Salvador Dali, I have no greater wish". Throughout his life, Dali was out to become Dali: that is, one of the most significant artists and eccentrics of the 20th century. This weighty volume is the most complete study of Dali's painted works ever published. After years of research, Robert Descharnes and Gilles Neret located painted works by the master that had been ... |
Painter, sculptor, writer, film-maker, and all-round showman Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) was one of the twentieth century’s greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics. One of the first artists to apply the insights of Freudian psychoanalysis to art, he is celebrated in particular for his surrealist practice, with such conceits as the soft watches or the lobster telephone, now hallmarks of the surrealist enterprise, and of modernism in general. Dali frequently described his paintings as "hand-painted dream photographs". Their tantalizing tension and interest resides in the precise rendering of bizarre elements and ... |