Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "I am afraid", said Miss Morstan. "What should I do, Mr. Holmes?" Holmes jumped up excitedly. "We shall go tonight to the Lyceum Theatre - the three of us - you and I and Doctor Watson. We'll meet your unknown friend. And we'll try to solve the mystery." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at There are ... |
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text adaptation by Jeremy Page. ... Miss Mary Morstan has a strange story to tell. Since her father disappeared, she has received a large pearl through the post on the same day, every year, for six years. Who is sending them? And what about her father's paper with the words 'The Sign of Four' written on it? Sherlock Holmes alone can solve these mysteries. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of ... |
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text adaptation by Susan Kingsley. ... "You said that you wanted danger, didn't you?" says McArdle, the editor of the Daily Gazette. And he sends his young reporter, Malone, on a strange journey into South America with the famous Professor Challenger. Challenger believes he can find a lost world full of dinosaurs in the middle of the Amazon forest. But this world is dangerous to reach, and, once the Professor and his small group of explorers arrive, things get even more dangerous for them. Will they return alive? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive ... |
Based on the story of Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Clare West. ... Sherlock Holmes is famous around the world. When the police cannot solve a crime, they turn to Holmes. He never misses a clue, and when he looks carefully at a person, he can understand everything about them. These are two of the best Sherlock Holmes stories. In The Dead Coachman, Holmes investigates a burglary and a murder while he is staying in the countryside with his friend Doctor Watson. In The Last Mystery, Holmes is in danger from the evil Professor Moriarty, who is as clever as the detective himself. They are both ready to fight to the death. ... |
Based on the story of Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Clare West. ... Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs; he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask. In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms ... |
Based on the story of Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Dr. Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to send his young son there, that is good news for the school. The Duke is a very important person, and Dr. Huxtable is happy to have his son in the school. But two weeks later Dr. Huxtable is the unhappiest man in England. Why? And why does he take the train down to London and go to Baker Street? Why does he need the help of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes? Because someone has kidnapped the Duke's son... Classics, modern fiction, non- ... |
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Horseracing is the sport of kings, perhaps because racehorses are very expensive animals. But when they win, they can make a lot of money for the owners, for the trainers, and for the people who put bets on them. Silver Blaze is a young horse, but already the winner of many races. One night he disappears, and someone kills his trainer. The police want the killer, and the owner wants his horse, but they can't find them. So what do they do? They write to 221B Baker Street, of course - to ask for the help of the great detective, Sherlock ... |
По романа на сър Артър Конан Дойл, преразказан от Джанет Борсби и Рут Суон. ... An old family document says that everyone who lives at Baskerville Hall is in danger from a terrifying animal which lives on Dartmoor. When Sir Charles Baskerville dies in a mysterious way, his nephew, the young Sir Henry Baskerville, comes to live on Dartmoor. Is he in danger too? Is there really a dangerous animal on the moor, or did someone murder Sir Charles? Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, is the only person who can solve the case. Or can he? Even Holmes is worried. In this Reader you will find information about Sir Arthur ... |
"Клубът на червенокосите" търси нов член. Работата е лека, заплатата за заетата длъжност е цели четири лири седмично. Всеки червенокос мъж, който е над 21-годишна възраст и е в добро здраве, може да кандидатства за позицията. След като Джейбс Уилсън губи добре платената си длъжност в "Клуба на червенокосите", той се обръща към Холмс с молба да открие причината за случилото се. Всичко започва като най-обикновено разследване, но се превръща в истинска среднощна полицейска акция, докато Холмс се опитва да предотврати едно шокиращо престъпление. Книгата е част от поредицата за "Шерлок Холмс" на ... |
Предистория на "Белият отряд". ... "Сър Найджъл" - исторически роман, чието действие се развива през ХІV в. - е разказ за романтичните приключения на едноименния герой, който се опитва да спечели богатство и ръката на своята любима, като се впуска в опасния, но славен живот на кралски воин в Англия и Франция през първия период на Стогодишната война. Изпълнен с романтика и рицарски дух, с битки и жестокости, комични перипетии и обикновени младежки лудории, романът пресъздава изключително реалистично епохата, която описва, и ни среща с редица прочути исторически личности, сред които Едуард III, Черния ... |
Sherlock Holmes: A Gripping Casebook of Stories contains the full-length novel "A Study in Scarlet", plus 14 short stories. "A Study in Scarlet" marked Sherlock Holmes' debut appearance in novel form, while Holmes made his first short story appearance in "A Scandal in Bohemia", also included in this compendium. In his perceptive introduction to this compendium, leading crime writer Martin Edwards observes that "the compelling evocation of character is what makes Conan Doyle's stores come alive". Ally this to vivid settings and the result is unbeatable entertainment enjoyed ... |
Knighted for his service as a field doctor during the Boer War, Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) is best remembered as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. In addition to his ever-popular tales of the Baker Street sleuth, Conan Doyle wrote many works of history and science fiction, as well as plays, poetry, and stories that reflected his interest in the occult. This anthology offers an excellent selection of tales from throughout the Scottish author's career. Sherlock Holmes's adventures include the novels "The Hound of the Baskervilles" and "A Study in Scarlet", plus the stories "The Final ... |