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Книги от Ботьо Зозиков (Botjo Zozikov)

/ общо 1 продукта /
Urology. A textbook for students of medicine -

Urology. A textbook for students of medicine

B.Zozikov, V.Mariyanovski, B.Petrov, B.Mladenov, V.Hadzhiyska

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  18.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Medical sciences. ... This textbook of Urology is intended for students of medicine. It complies with the academic Urology curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. In the presentation of the teaching material, using clear and comprehensible language in accordance with the level achieved by our students, we have strived to strike a balance between the necessary and the sufficient amount of information that non-specialist urologists would need in order to acquire the basic knowledge of urology that is essential for their general medical culture and practice. We have deliberately avoided ...
Книги от Ботьо Зозиков (Botjo Zozikov) Продукти 1-1 от общо 1
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