Потопете се в света на граф Дракула, както никога досега с новата неадаптирана версия на книгата на Брам Стокър. Лусозната книга съдържа цялото произведение - без пропуски, без добавени сцени, без преиначени изрази и думи. Включените бележки към него поясняват непознатото за съвременния читател, тълкуват замислите на автора и препращат към мненията на изтъкнати специалисти. Добавени са две приложения: "Гостът на Дракула" - публикуваната посмъртно като отделен разказ първа глава от оригиналния ръкопис на книгата, и интервю с автора, взето през 1897 г., които допълват разбирането на читателя за Брам Стокър, за ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... When Jonathan Harker is summoned to Transylvania to finalize a property deal for the mysterious Count Dracula, he stumbles upon an ancient evil he is unprepared to face. When that evil escapes to England, the entire nation is suddenly under threat and only an aged vampire hunter, Professor Abraham Van Helsing, can put a stop to the bloodshed. Sensual, dark and thrilling, Bram Stoker's "Dracula" remains the seminal work of Gothic fiction, and in this elegant "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition, which includes an ... |
Based on the story of Bram Stoker. Retold by Diane Mowat. ... In the mountains of Transylvania there stands a castle. It is the home of Count Dracula - a dark, lonely place, and at night the wolves howl around the walls. In the year 1875 Jonathan Harker comes from England to do business with the Count. But Jonathan does not feel comfortable at Castle Dracula. Strange things happen at night, and very soon, he begins to feel afraid. And he is right to be afraid, because Count Dracula is one of the Un-Dead - a vampire that drinks the blood of living people... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for ... |
Ladybird books
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Retold by Joan Cameron, illustrated by Matthew Land. ... This "Ladybird Classic" is an abridged retelling of the classic vampire tale of Dracula by Bram Stoker. A perfect introduction to the well-loved legend, it is ideal for adults to read with children, or for newly confident readers to tackle alone. Please note that due to some scary parts in places, content may not be suitable for very young or sensitive readers. Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania for what he thinks is a simple business meeting with a new client. Instead, he encounters the strange and sinister Count Dracula. There will be a battle between ... |