Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, Great Expectations traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From its famous dramatic opening on the bleak Kentish marshes, the story abounds with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. Among them are the kindly blacksmith Joe Gargery, the mysterious convict Abel Magwitch, the eccentric Miss Haversham and her beautiful ward Estella, Pip's good-hearted room-mate Herbert Pocket and the pompous Pumblechook. As Pip unravels the truth behind his own 'great expectations' ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of Charles Dickens's most renowned and enjoyable novels, Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an orphan boy who wishes to transcend his humble origins and finds himself unexpectedly given the opportunity to live a life of wealth and respectability. Over the course of the tale, in which Pip encounters such famous characters as Miss Havisham, Herbert Pocket and Joe Gargery, he comes to realize that his money is tainted and the girl he loves will not return his affections; happiness must be found in the things he gave up in pursuit of a more ... |
Книгата е част от колекция "Върхове" на издателство "Изток - Запад". ... "– Къде беше, малка маймуно? – каза мисис Джо, като тупна с крак. – Казвай направо къде беше, докато аз се измъчвах от страх и тревоги, инак ще те измъкна от ъгъла ти, ако ще да сте петдесет пиповци и петстотин гарджъровци! – Бях на гробищата – казах аз от мястото си, като плачех и се потривах. – На гробищата! – повтори сестра ми. – Ако не бях аз, отдавна щеше да бъдеш на гробищата. Кой те отгледа с двете си ръце? – Вие – казах аз. Но аз гледах унило огъня и не слушах вече думите ѝ. Защото в злобно святкащите въглени ... |
Based on the story of Charles Dickens. Retold by Clare West. ... In a gloomy, neglected house Miss Havisham sits, as she has sat year after year, in a wedding dress and veil that were once white, and are now faded and yellow with age. Her face is like a death's head, her dark eyes burn with bitterness and hate. By her side sits a proud and beautiful girl, and in front of her, trembling with fear in his thick country boots, stands young Pip. Miss Havisham stares at Pip coldly, and murmurs to the girl at her side: 'Break his heart, Estella. Break his heart!' Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. ... |