Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Othello" is an intense drama of love, deception, jealousy and destruction. Desdemona's love for her husband Othello, the Moor, transcends racial prejudice; but his trusted ensign, the envious Iago, conspires to devastate their lives. In its vivid rendering of the savagery lurking within civilization, Othello is arguably the most topical and accessible tragedy from Shakespeare's major phase as a dramatist. The play raises uncomfortable and pertinent questions about both racial identity and sexuality, as Othello and Desdemona's ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Richard, Duke of Gloucester - the bitter, deformed brother of the King - is secretly plotting to seize the throne of England. Charming and duplicitous, powerfully eloquent and viciously cruel, he is prepared to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. In his skilful manipulation of events and people, Richard is a chilling incarnation of the lure of evil and the temptation of power. This "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition is illustrated throughout by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897), and includes an introduction by Ned Halley. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Gorgeous, strange and magical, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is perhaps the best loved of William Shakespeare 's plays. A young woman flees Athens with her lover, only to be pursued by her would-be husband and her best friend. Unwittingly, all four find themselves in an enchanted forest where fairies and sprites soon take an interest in human affairs, dispensing love potions and casting mischievous spells. In this dazzling comedy, confusion ends in harmony, as love is transformed, misplaced, and - ultimately - restored. This Macmillan ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... In this thrilling and hugely influential tragedy, ageing King Lear makes a capricious decision to divide his realm between his three daughters according to the love they express for him. When the youngest daughter refuses to take part in this charade, she is banished, leaving the king dependent on her manipulative and untrustworthy sisters. In the scheming and recriminations that follow, not only does the king's own sanity crumble, but the stability of the realm itself is also threatened. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated ... |
Illustrated by Sharif Tarabay. ... "Macbeth: If I do it, then I must do it quickly. But will this murder be enough? will it bring success? Or will more problems follow? No man avoids the judgement that's to come and I'll be judged in this world too." From the Book Shakespeare's Scottish story of magic and murder is one of his darkest works. Macbeth's bloody rise to power is encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth. Their ambition leads them into a world of guilt and madness which destroys their marriage - and ends in tragedy. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and ... |
Illustrated by Fausto Biabchi. ... "I have got to do it, because she has given me a reason to do it which I will not say out loud. She must die, because if she doesn't die she'll deceive other men. I'll put out the light of this torch, and then I'll put out the light of her life." From the Book When Othello, the Moorish general of Venice, marries Desdemona, the daughter of a rich Venetian, he must prove that they are really in love. But his "honest" friend Iago has other plans, for power revenge. They travel to the island of Cyprus, and Iago works to set Othello against his new wife ... |
"Remember you? Yes, I'll remember you. All other memories will fade, but not your story. Your foolish, wicked wife and her new husband. The greatest villain in the whole of Denmark! I have sworn revenge. Poor ghost, i'll not forget you!" Hamlet Shakespeare's famous story of the young Prince Hamlet's journey into despair and revenge after learning that his uncle is his father's murderer. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of William Shakespeare; notes about this story; points for understanding comprehension ... |
"I shall show you this kindness. Go with me to see a lawyer. Let us make a bond. And - for a bit of fun - if you do not pay me back the full amount on the right day, and in the right place, the penalty will be a pound of your pale flesh, cut off and taken from any part of your body that I choose." Shylock Shylock lends money to the merchant Antonio, but the stakes are high. When Antonio cannot pay him back, Shylock demands a terrible punishment. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of William Shakespeare; notes about this story; ... |
Адаптирано ученическо издание. ... Всяка епоха търси своя Шекспир и своя Хамлет. В душата на Хамлет се води една епична битка между доброто и злото, между светлината и тъмнината, между ада и рая, между живота и смъртта. Хамлет е едновременно и благ, и груб; мил и жесток; бездеен и енергичен; разсъдлив и безразсъден; сантиментален и циничен; отчаян и обнадежден. В никоя своя пиеса Шекспир не е разгърнал с такава мощ и широта своя гений, както в трагедията "Хамлет". Хамлет е пълен идеалист, който се изправя пред реалността на един несъвършен свят. В книгата ще намерите: предговор от проф. Марко Минков; ... |
Атанас Тенев е роден през 1952 г. в гр. Пловдив. Завършва Българска филология в ПУ "П. Хилендарски". Един от основателите на първата частна книжарница в България след промените. Водещ на телевизионното предаване за литература "Книжарницата" по Пловдивската обществена телевизия. През 1996 г. излиза дебютната му книга с миниатюри "Без време и място" (ДИ "Хр. Г. Данов"), а през 2001 г. - романът "Понякога" (изд. "Аргус"), номиниран за награда "Пловдив". Продължава да живее и работи в родния си град. "Експериментът в романа "Лека нощ, Хамлет" ... |
"Да говоря за Шекспир и за това какви богатства е внесъл този син на ръкавичар в човекознанието и какво съкровище от поезия е разсипал за нас, не му е мястото тук, макар че казано в негов стил ний знаем: всеки влюбен е винаги готов безкрайно да говори за своята любов... Но лекият тон настрана, за мен многогодишната работа над Шекспировите драми и сонети наистина беше дело на любов. Дано се окаже, че то и в бъдеще ще принася полза на нашата култура и в частност на театъра ни." Валери Петров ... |
Адаптирано ученическо издание ... Това издание е част от серията Книги за ученика на издателство Пан. Поредицата представя литературни произведения, включени в учебната програма за 4. - 11. клас. Текстовете са съобразени с възрастта на читателите. Придружени са с критически анализи и оценки от различни гледни точки, с проблемни въпроси, тематични разработки, животопис - съобразно съвременните методически изисквания. ... |