Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. It was just a normal Friday evening in Moreland Road. Jason was listening to his iPod and couldn't hear his mother shouting. Nina wasn't sure how to tell her husband about her news. Maggie smiled as she thought about her holiday romance in Chile. Sam looked worried – money trouble again. Then that evening something happened which changed all of their lives. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Max Holland, an assassin for hire, receives a lucrative offer from a mysterious man. But the man's instructions are rather strange and Max isn't sure whether to believe him. It is the start of a job that leads Max to a very unusual place - a world where Max makes a life-changing decision. ... |
Учебното пособие е теоретична разработка, която в сбит, но много съдържателен вид разглежда руските падежи на съществителните, прилагателните, местоименията и числителните. В главата, посветена на съществителните, първо се пояснява значението на падежа, в какви случаи се употребява; дават се окончанията за трите рода единствено и множествено число. Всички обяснения са придружени с примери на руски език, преведени на български. Върху всички руски думи са поставени ударения. Всички руски думи са изписани с шрифт италик, за да се отличават нагледно от българските. Главите съдържат обяснения, падежни окончания и примери. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. One day in the fall a woman calls at the New York office of Nat Marley, licensed private investigator, to ask him to find Patrick, her missing husband. Marley's enquiries take him to the financial district of Wall Street and an investment company whose returns are too good to be true. Then the police find a body in the trunk of a car – Patrick's car. Whose is the body and where is Patrick? Paperback-only ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A hot summer and a holiday by the sea: Stephen and Anna Martins are escaping their stressful lives in London, and taking a holiday in the south-west of England. They make friends with a local fisherman, but when Stephen is called back to London for work, Anna is left alone for a few days. And then something happens which changes their lives for ever. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Pilot Don Radcliffe returns to Australia hoping to rescue a failed marriage and to spend more time with his daughter, Judy. But a routine cargo flight in an old DC4 airplane turns into tragedy when the plane crashes in the Australian Outback killing the co-pilot. Don and Judy's chances of survival seem slim as they struggle against sabotage, unscrupulous businessmen and the inhospitable landscape. ... |
Двуезични разкази на английски и български език. ... "Поредицата "Bilingual stories" на издателство "Веси" е предназначена за читатели, които са начинаещи (I - II ниво) в обучението си по английски език. Оригиналният текст е съпътстван паралелно с превод на български език. Текстът е максимално приближен до английския с цел по-добър паралел между двата езика и по-точно усвояване. Намерени са български аналози и за най-труднопреводимите думи и изрази. При наличието на по-специфични собствени имена, понятия и географски названия са дадени обяснителни бележки след всеки разказ. Чрез така поднесените ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A collection of stories that offer eight slices of life in England today. The themes covered include British eating habits, the media, inner-city problems, immigration, football hooliganism, student life, leisure activities and the countryside. Well-observed, lively and amusing, these stories provide a fascinating picture of the country at the start of a new century. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Seven journeys which change lives for ever. A New York fashion buyer returns to her English home. A successful author meets an old friend. A reporter travels to an execution. A lorry driver gives an escaped prisoner a lift. A taxi driver picks up 'Bruce Lee'. A man's love for a tram driver leads him to follow her. And four strangers meet at a motel for the first and last time. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Arman, a teenage refugee, makes an epic journey across Europe, often in the hands of people smugglers. He lives and works as an illegal immigrant in the UK until one day love comes into his life. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CD of the complete text. ... |
Занимателни текстове на английски език. ... Тази книга предоставя на вашето внимание: легенди; приказки; откъси от популярни произведения на известни английски писатели; кратка енциклопедична информация за Англия; любопитни факти относно планетите в Слънчевата система. Прочитайки финала на това издание вие ще се убедите, че живее в държава, чиято география е дар от природата, че Родината ни - България е една от най-старите европейски държави, с вековно присъствие на картата на света. Авторът си поставя скромната цел, предлагайки събраните текстове, да съдейства на читателите да развиват и усъвършенстват своите познания в ... |