Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. It's Stephany and Max's first holiday together in Italy and they are staying at the flat of Stephany's friend, Carlos. Max is a little jealous of Carlos and Carlos's wife is certainly not happy to see Stephany. It becomes clear that there is more between Stephany and Carlos than just friendship and the tension rises between the two couples. As Max discovers more about Stephany's past, he begins ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Ikuko goes to England to study English, promising her boyfriend Hiroshi she will return to Japan to marry him. However, in Birmingham Ikuko discovers a whole new world and falls in love with another overseas student. Ikuko's journey across the world not only teaches her about different ways of life but also becomes a voyage of self-discovery. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. For Grace, a ghost in a haunted house, the arrival of a young mother with a baby stirs memories of the man and the child she lost so many years before. But then danger threatens the baby girl and Grace must act decisively. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. When Dr Leighton is murdered Inspector Frank Williams and Sergeant Kate Miller set out to track down her killer. Was it her husband, her son or her colleague? All had reasons to hate her but which one killed her? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Paul Morris's happy life in Italy changes when his wife dies suddenly. He develops a relationship with Sandra, a friend at work, but everything is not as it seems. How can Sandra afford such an expensive car? And why does she keep making mysterious phone calls? Soon Paul is involved in international crime and a thrilling car chase across Europe. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. On holiday in the Lake District with her new jet-skiing boyfriend, Nick, Laura meets the local vet, Robert. Robert dislikes both Laura and Nick on sight. However, Laura soon discovers why Robert hates people from the city. Slowly Laura and Robert get to know each other better, and she soon has to make a choice: Nick or Robert? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Alex is a soldier with a peace-keeping force in a poor country torn apart by fighting. He doesn't speak the language and is not sure why he is there. On patrol he comes face to face with the reality of what arms sales mean and pays the ultimate price. Why? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Arman, a teenage refugee, makes an epic journey across Europe, often in the hands of people smugglers. He lives and works as an illegal immigrant in the UK until one day love comes into his life. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CD of the complete text. ... |
Речникът съдържа: Общоприети, най-често употребявани фразеолозми, наследени от миналото, отразяващи важни страни от историята на народа, от неговия бит, душевност, нравственост Фразеологизми, възникнали от по-ново време Вниманието на читателите се насочва към: Структурните особености на фразеологичните единици Източниците за възникване на фразеологизмите Значението и ситуационно уместната им употреба Фразеологизмите, като вид творчество на народа и средство за самопознание, представляват интерес за широк кръг читатели. Целта на настоящия речник е да бъде полезен за ученици, студенти при овладяване на ... |
Картинен речник с животните. ... Картинният речник представлява кръгче, с което се подпомага изучаването на английски език. Той съдържа картинки с различни животни, имената им на български език, изписването на думата на английски език, транскрипция на английски и на български език. ... |
Към разговорника има безплатен аудиозапис с произношения, който може да свалите от официалния сайт на издателство "СофтПрес". ... Желаете ли да проговорите чужд език веднага? Световноизвестните разговорници на Collins са идеални за незабавно заучаване на всички полезни фрази, за усъвършенстване на произношението и слушането с разбиране. Аудиофайловете с оригинални произношения на езика ви дават увереност при общуването, защото създават спокойствието, че водите пълноценен разговор с приятели и бизнес партньори в чужбина. Повече от 70 тематично подредени раздела. Практически съвети за вашето пътуване. ... |
Ниво: B1 / B2 ... Боби Ръд има посещение от непознат. Неговата история отвежда Боби в Лос Анджелис и миналото му. Един стар случай е повдигнат отново. Направил ли е грешка тогава? И може ли сега да опази красивата Ейми? Детективският роман съдържа много обяснения на думите, географската информация, загадки и задачи. В центъра на криминалната поредица за читателките и читатели с основни познания по английски (B1 / B2) стои полицейският детектив Боби Ръд. Едно опитно и упорито ченге от големия град се връща към своите корени и трябва да се справи със спокойния живот във Флорида. Но там все още има един случай... ... |