Двустранна ламинирана таблица. ... |
Старобългарската литература възниква и се развива в българската държава от края на 9 в. до втората половина на 18 в. Пространствените и времевите граници определят само отчасти това явление в културната история на България. За да разберем същността и, трябва да приобщим старобългарската литература към средновековното европейско словесно изкуство, за което основен белег е утвърждаването на християнските ценности. Старобългарската литература предлага модели на християнско поведение чрез образите на светци, апостоли, мъченици в името на вярата и по този начин възпитава у възприемателите християнски добродетели, чрез които ... |
Речникът е предназначен за учениците от началния курс. Преработено и допълнено издание. ... Вече години наред изданието "Учебен правописен речник на българския език" обслужва нуждите на обучението по български език на малките ученици и е техен добър помощник при овладяване на правописните и правоговорните норми и правила. В следствие на цялостната промяна на учебното съдържание през последните години речникът включва нови текстове и отделните теми са обогатени с допълнително количество речников материал. ... |
Благодарение на достъпния обем и съдържание, съобразени с потребностите на учебния процес в различните степени на българското училище, настоящото издание е верен пътеводител в необозримия и бурен океан на българския книжовен език. ... |
Двустранно табло. ... Учебното табло съдържа информация за неправилните глаголи в английския език с техните три форми и превод на български. То включва и схематично представяне на глаголните времена с примери на български и английски език. Помагалото представлява двустранно ламинирано табло, формат А4. Настоящото издание е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г. Ако имате нужда от подвързия за различни формати учебници, тетрадки и учебни помагала, посетете нашата специална секция Подвързии. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Brad and his girlfriend Gina love the movies and go every Saturday night. They want to get married but haven't got much money. Then one day, Brad gets an idea from a movie about how to make a lot of money - an idea that involves murder. But Brad's plan doesn't go quite as he hoped and he discovers that real life doesn't always have a happy ending. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Stella is curious about her attractive new London neighbour, Tony. She gradually gets to know Tony - and also his young daughter, Daisy. But Stella and Tony's growing relationship is threatened when Tony's ex-wife makes plans to move away with Daisy. How can Tony keep Daisy? And how can Stella keep Tony? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Life and death in Venice. A young man and a beautiful woman meet and fall in love in the most romantic city in the world. She makes his dreams come true, but what does the future hold for them and what price must they pay for their happiness? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Joe lives in Canada, in a beautiful, quiet place. His peace is interrupted one day by the noise of bulldozers excavating near his house. He is told that it's a diamond mine. Joe is a journalist for a local newspaper and his neighbours soon come to ask him to write about the awful noise and destruction. Joe becomes suspicious when his boss won't let him write about it. He starts to investigate the mine, but ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Diamonds smuggled from the bloody civil-war zones of Africa and traded illegally for weapons are known as 'blood diamonds'. London journalists Harley Kirkpatrick and Annie Shepherd sense the scoop of a lifetime when they try to trap a deal in the diamonds. But who is trapping who and are the people involved what they seem? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Rick Drummond is a music lover without a job who dreams of making it big in the world of music. The people around him think he's just a dreamer, or a loser. When his wife walks out on him it seems the real world is falling around him. But then his luck changes when he wins the lottery. Is this really a change of fortune for Rick or is he about to lose again? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. David lives in a house with lots of books and his cat, Socrates. But is he happy? Then he makes friends with Ella. 'You're a nice boy,' says Ella. 'But you don't know anything about me. You don't know me. I'm not a good person. ... |