Еманципационни преводни практики на Дора Габе. ... В книгата "(Не)забележимата преводачка" Еманципационни преводни практики на Дора Габе се разглеждат някои по-малко известни преводи на поетесата от 30-те, 60-те и 70-те години на ХХ век. Транслатологичният анализ на избраните творби е поместен в контекста на рядко коментирани до този момент факти от биографията на преводачката. Изследователският интерес се съсредоточава върху следите, които преживяното по време на Втората световна война оставя в преводното творчество на Дора Габе, върху приятелството ѝ с полската поетеса Анна Каменска, а също и върху ... |
Избрано в два тома. ... "Никола Георгиев едва ли се нуждае от представяне. Човекът, който през последните 50 години вдъхновява не само своите колеги и студенти, винаги е бил алтернатива на официалното. Изключително деликатен, възпитан и фин човек, Никола Георгиев е нескрит полемист в научното поле: бунтар, който срива системи. Критикът в науката пряко или косвено се занимава с методологически проблеми; ученият създава интерпретаторски контекст на нови литературни произведения и разколебава утвърдени йерархии в литературния канон. Никола Георгиев деконвенционализира всяка рутина и с безкрайно богат реторичен ... |
Five short stories about life in America in the 1920s and 1940s: "The Cut-glass Bowl" - A wedding present brings sorrow and bad luck. "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" - Marjorie tells Bernice that if she cuts off her long hair, she will be admired by all the young men. "Gretchen's Forty Winks" - Roger Halsey tricks his wife and finishes an important job. "Magnetism" - A rich and handsome film star has power over people. But can he control this power or will it destroy him? "Three Hours Between Planes" - Donald visits an old friend. But will Nancy remember him? This book is ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Illustrated by Ruth Palmer. ... "Amelia's dowry of ten thousand pounds, her blue eyes and her pretty pink face will bring her a rich husband", Becky Sharp thought. "But I'm alone in the world and must look after myself. I'm must cleverer than her and I've a better figure. I must use my wits to find a husband and a house of my own. One day, I'll have a higher place in society than Amelia, and I'll have done it all myself!" From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of William Makepeace Thackeray; points for understanding ... |
There are films of these stories. ... Can you solve these mysteries? Sherlock Holmes, and his assistant Dr. Watson, investigate the cases of "The Speckled Band", "The Dancing Men" and "The Red-Headed League". This book is in British English and here you can find a story and points for understanding and glossary. There are audio downloadable materials for this book, which are available to buy at www.macmillaneducationebooks.com. ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "I am afraid", said Miss Morstan. "What should I do, Mr. Holmes?" Holmes jumped up excitedly. "We shall go tonight to the Lyceum Theatre - the three of us - you and I and Doctor Watson. We'll meet your unknown friend. And we'll try to solve the mystery." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. There are ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Oliver stared round the dirty room. There was a rope tied across one corner of the room. Many brightly-coloured silk handkerchiefs were hanging over the rope. Fagin smiled again."My handkerchiefs are pretty, aren't they, Oliver?", he said. "And they're all waiting to be washed!"To Oliver's surprise, all the boys laughed." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of Charles Dickens; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult ... |
Illustrated by Jérôme Brasseur. ... "A tear came to Nell's eye. She hated being alone in that big, dark place all night long, not able to sleep because she was worried about her grandfather. Every night he would go out and leave her on her own, and yet he never told her where he went or what he did. Then he would return early the next day, tired, worried and sad." From the Book In a run-down part of London, where criminals and honest people live side-by side, Nell lives with her grandfather in "The Old Curiosity Shop". They are very poor, and Nell is worried because her grandfather ... |
The Canterville Ghost Sir Simon de Canterville is a ghost. He has lived in his house for hundreds of years. His job is to terrify the people who stay there. Then Mr. Otis, an American, buys the house. And the ghost is angry - he cannot frighten the Otis family. The Model Millionaire Hughie Erskine loves Laura Merton. But Hughie is poor and he cannot marry her. Then one day he meets a beggar and all his wishes come true. Lord Arthur Savile's Crime Mr. Podgers can read people's hands. Mr. Podgers reads Lord Arthur Savile's hand a party. What will Lord Arthur's future be? This book is in ... |
"Една от целите на тази книга беше да съберем в една книга това изгубено културно наследство, защото букварът със своите илюстрации и съдържание е културно наследство." Свобода Цекова Тази книга събира по уникален начин най-интересните български буквари от 1824 до 2014 г. Дори в големите библиотеки много от тях липсват или са архивирани под етикета "пълна недостъпност". Затова "Българският буквар" съчетава чертите на картинна енциклопедия и сборник с кратки любопитни статии. Въпреки типовата структура и устойчивите визуални образи всеки буквар е пъстро огледало на времето, в което е ... |
Етюди по средновековна литература. ... "Четенето на творби, отдалечени във времето, предполага раздвояване на съзнанието. От една страна, желанието да се потопим в друг свят с неговите исторически и естетически особености ни насочва към другост, която ни обогатява и в същото време поставя под въпрос. Четем старите текстове с готовност да се променим, поне временно. Така средновековната литература се оказва среща с далечно минало. От друга страна, ние се потопяваме в друг свят, съзнавайки или не, че живеем в 21 век. Четейки старите творби, ние утвърждаваме себе си. Приобщаваме към собствената си култура и ... |